# IdentificationStageRequest ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **name** | **String** | | **flow_set** | Option<[**Vec**](FlowSetRequest.md)> | | [optional] **user_fields** | Option<[**Vec**](UserFieldsEnum.md)> | Fields of the user object to match against. (Hold shift to select multiple options) | [optional] **password_stage** | Option<[**uuid::Uuid**](uuid::Uuid.md)> | When set, shows a password field, instead of showing the password field as seaprate step. | [optional] **case_insensitive_matching** | Option<**bool**> | When enabled, user fields are matched regardless of their casing. | [optional] **show_matched_user** | Option<**bool**> | When a valid username/email has been entered, and this option is enabled, the user's username and avatar will be shown. Otherwise, the text that the user entered will be shown | [optional] **enrollment_flow** | Option<[**uuid::Uuid**](uuid::Uuid.md)> | Optional enrollment flow, which is linked at the bottom of the page. | [optional] **recovery_flow** | Option<[**uuid::Uuid**](uuid::Uuid.md)> | Optional recovery flow, which is linked at the bottom of the page. | [optional] **passwordless_flow** | Option<[**uuid::Uuid**](uuid::Uuid.md)> | Optional passwordless flow, which is linked at the bottom of the page. | [optional] **sources** | Option<[**Vec**](uuid::Uuid.md)> | Specify which sources should be shown. | [optional] **show_source_labels** | Option<**bool**> | | [optional] **pretend_user_exists** | Option<**bool**> | When enabled, the stage will succeed and continue even when incorrect user info is entered. | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)