# PasswordPolicyRequest ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **name** | **String** | | **execution_logging** | Option<**bool**> | When this option is enabled, all executions of this policy will be logged. By default, only execution errors are logged. | [optional] **password_field** | Option<**String**> | Field key to check, field keys defined in Prompt stages are available. | [optional] **amount_digits** | Option<**i32**> | | [optional] **amount_uppercase** | Option<**i32**> | | [optional] **amount_lowercase** | Option<**i32**> | | [optional] **amount_symbols** | Option<**i32**> | | [optional] **length_min** | Option<**i32**> | | [optional] **symbol_charset** | Option<**String**> | | [optional] **error_message** | Option<**String**> | | [optional] **check_static_rules** | Option<**bool**> | | [optional] **check_have_i_been_pwned** | Option<**bool**> | | [optional] **check_zxcvbn** | Option<**bool**> | | [optional] **hibp_allowed_count** | Option<**i32**> | How many times the password hash is allowed to be on haveibeenpwned | [optional] **zxcvbn_score_threshold** | Option<**i32**> | If the zxcvbn score is equal or less than this value, the policy will fail. | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)