extern crate authy; #[cfg(test)] mod api_app { const API_URL: &'static str = "https://sandbox-api.authy.com"; const API_KEY: &'static str = "bf12974d70818a08199d17d5e2bae630"; use super::authy::{Client, Status, AuthyError}; use super::authy::api::app; #[test] fn details() { let mut c = Client::new(API_URL, API_KEY); c.retry_wait = 3000; c.retry_count = 10; let (status, details) = app::details(&c).expect("Details of authy app"); assert!(status.success); assert_eq!(details.name, "Sandbox App 1"); } #[test] fn details_bad_key() { let mut c = Client::new(API_URL, "a_bad_key"); c.retry_wait = 3000; c.retry_count = 10; let res = app::details(&c); match res { Err(AuthyError::UnauthorizedKey(Status{success, message, ..})) => { assert!(!success); assert_eq!(message, "Invalid API key"); }, other => { unreachable!("Expecting AuthyError::UnauthorizedKey: {:?}", other); }, }; } #[test] fn stats() { let mut c = Client::new(API_URL, API_KEY); c.retry_wait = 3000; c.retry_count = 10; let (status, stats) = app::stats(&c).expect("Stats of authy app"); assert!(status.success); } }