# auto-merge
### Merge GitHub Actions pull request automatically.
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## Feature Highlights
### TODO
## Status
## Usage
### Installation
#### Build from Source
# Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/hack-ink/auto-merge
cd auto-merge
# To install Rust on macOS and Unix, run the following command.
# To install Rust on Windows, download and run the installer from `https://rustup.rs`.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh -s -- --default-toolchain stable
# Install the necessary dependencies. (Unix only)
# Using Ubuntu as an example, this really depends on your distribution.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install
# Build the project, and the binary will be available at `target/release/auto-merge`.
cargo build --release
# If you are a macOS user and want to have a `auto-merge.app`, run the following command.
# Install `cargo-bundle` to pack the binary into an app.
cargo install cargo-bundle
# Pack the app, and the it will be available at `target/release/bundle/osx/auto-merge.app`.
cargo bundle --release
#### Download Pre-built Binary
- **macOS**
- Download the latest pre-built binary from [GitHub Releases](https://github.com/hack-ink/auto-merge/releases/latest).
- **Windows**
- **Unix**
### Configuration
#### TODO
### Interaction
### Update
## Development
### Architecture
## Support Me
If you find this project helpful and would like to support its development, you can buy me a coffee!
Your support is greatly appreciated and motivates me to keep improving this project.
- **Fiat**
- [Ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/aurevoirxavier)
- [爱发电](https://afdian.net/a/AurevoirXavier)
- **Crypto**
- **Bitcoin**
- `bc1pedlrf67ss52md29qqkzr2avma6ghyrt4jx9ecp9457qsl75x247sqcp43c`
- **Ethereum**
- `0x3e25247CfF03F99a7D83b28F207112234feE73a6`
- **Polkadot**
- `156HGo9setPcU2qhFMVWLkcmtCEGySLwNqa3DaEiYSWtte4Y`
Thank you for your support!
## Appreciation
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the following projects and contributors:
- The Rust community for their continuous support and development of the Rust ecosystem.
## Additional Acknowledgements
#### License
Licensed under [GPL-3.0](LICENSE).