# auto-palette > 🎨 A Rust library for automatically extracting prominent color palettes from images. 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See the [examples](./examples) directory for more examples. ```rust use auto_palette::{ImageData, Palette}; fn main() { // Load the image data from the file let image_data = ImageData::load("../../gfx/holly-booth-hLZWGXy5akM-unsplash.jpg").unwrap(); // Extract the color palette from the image data let palette: Palette = Palette::extract(&image_data).unwrap(); println!("Extracted {} swatches", palette.len()); // Find the 5 prominent colors in the palette and print their information let swatches = palette.find_swatches(5); for swatch in swatches { println!("Color: {}", swatch.color().to_hex_string()); println!("Position: {:?}", swatch.position()); println!("Population: {}", swatch.population()); } } ``` ## API * [`ImageData`](#imagedata) * [`Palette`](#palette) * [`Swatch`](#swatch) For more information on the API, see the [documentation](https://docs.rs/auto-palette). ### `ImageData` The `ImageData` struct represents the image data that is used to extract the color palette. * [`ImageData::load`](#imagedata-load) * [`ImageData::new`](#imagedata-new) #### `ImageData::load` Loads the image data from the file. The supported image formats are `PNG`, `JPEG`, `GIF`, `BMP`, `TIFF`, and `WEBP`. This method requires the `image` feature to be enabled. The `image` feature is enabled by default. ```rust // Load the image data from the file let image_data = ImageData::load("path/to/image.jpg").unwrap(); ``` #### `ImageData::new` Creates a new instance from the raw image data. Each pixel is represented by four consecutive bytes in the order of `R`, `G`, `B`, and `A`. ```rust // Create a new instance from the raw image data let pixels = [ 255, 0, 0, 255, // Red 0, 255, 0, 255, // Green 0, 0, 255, 255, // Blue 255, 255, 0, 255, // Yellow ]; let image_data = ImageData::new(2, 2, &pixels).unwrap(); ``` ### `Palette` The `Palette` struct represents the color palette extracted from the `ImageData`. * [`Palette::extract`](#palette-extract) * [`Palette::extract_with_algorithm`](#palette-extract-with-algorithm) * [`Palette::find_swatches`](#palette-find-swatches) * [`Palette::find_swatches_with_theme`](#palette-find-swatches-with-theme) #### `Palette::extract` Extracts the color palette from the given `ImageData`. This method is used to extract the color palette with the default `Algorithm`(DBSCAN). ```rust // Load the image data from the file let image_data = ImageData::load("path/to/image.jpg").unwrap(); // Extract the color palette from the image data let palette: Palette = Palette::extract(&image_data).unwrap(); ``` #### `Palette::extract_with_algorithm` Extracts the color palette from the given `ImageData` with the specified `Algorithm`. The supported algorithms are `DBSCAN`, `DBSCAN++`, and `KMeans++`. ```rust // Load the image data from the file let image_data = ImageData::load("path/to/image.jpg").unwrap(); // Extract the color palette from the image data with the specified algorithm let palette: Palette = Palette::extract_with_algorithm(&image_data, Algorithm::DBSCAN).unwrap(); ``` #### `Palette::find_swatches` Finds the prominent colors in the palette based on the number of swatches. Returned swatches are sorted by their population in descending order. ```rust // Find the 5 prominent colors in the palette let swatches = palette.find_swatches(5); ``` #### `Palette::find_swatches_with_theme` Finds the prominent colors in the palette based on the specified `Theme` and the number of swatches. The supported themes are `Basic`, `Colorful`, `Vivid`, `Muted`, `Light`, and `Dark`. ```rust // Find the 5 prominent colors in the palette with the specified theme let swatches = palette.find_swatches_with_theme(5, Theme::Light); ``` ### `Swatch` The `Swatch` struct represents the color swatch in the `Palette`. It contains detailed information about the color, position, population, and ratio. ```rust // Find the 5 prominent colors in the palette let swatches = palette.find_swatches(5); for swatch in swatches { // Get the color, position, and population of the swatch println!("Color: {:?}", swatch.color()); println!("Position: {:?}", swatch.position()); println!("Population: {}", swatch.population()); println!("Ratio: {}", swatch.ratio()); } ``` > [!TIP] > The `Color` struct provides various methods to convert the color to different formats, such as `RGB`, `HSL`, and `CIE L*a*b*`. > ```rust > let color = swatch.color(); > println!("Hex: {}", color.to_hex_string()); > println!("RGB: {:?}", color.to_rgb()); > println!("HSL: {:?}", color.to_hsl()); > println!("CIE L*a*b*: {:?}", color.to_lab()); > println!("Oklch: {:?}", color.to_oklch()); > ``` ## Development Follow the instructions below to build and test the project: 1. Fork and clone the repository. 2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix. 3. Make your changes and write tests. 4. Test your changes with `cargo test --lib`. 5. Format the code with `cargo +nightly fmt` and `taplo fmt`. 6. Create a pull request. ## License This project is distributed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](/LICENSE) file for details. [![FOSSA Status](https://app.fossa.com/api/projects/custom%2B14538%2Fgithub.com%2Ft28hub%2Fauto-palette.svg?type=large&issueType=license)](https://app.fossa.com/projects/custom%2B14538%2Fgithub.com%2Ft28hub%2Fauto-palette?ref=badge_large&issueType=license)