# Automattermostatus example configuration # # Wifi interface name. Use to check that wifi is enabled (Mac and Windows) interface_name = 'wlp0s20f3' # Status string containing 3 fields separated by `::` # - First field is the wifi substring that should be contained in a visible SSID # for this status to be set. If empty the associated status wil be used for # off times. # - Second field is the emoji string for the custom status. # - Third field is the description text foir the custom status. # status = ["corporatewifi::corplogo::On premise work", "homenet::house::Working home", "::sleeping::Off time"] # Base url of the mattermost instanbce mm_url = 'https://mattermost.example.com' # Level of verbosity among Off, Error, Warn, Info, Debug, Trace verbose = 'Info' # The type of the secret given by `mm_secret`, `mm_secret_cmd` or `kering_*` # parameters. Either: # secret_type = "Token" # for using a private acces token # secret_type = "Password" # for using login and password credentials where # the login is given by `mm_user` secret_type = "Token" # mattermost authentication secret. It is recommended to use `mm_secret_cmd` or # better the OS keyring with `keyring_user` and `keyring_service`. # mm_secret= 'cieVee1Ohgeixaevo0Oiquiu' # Command that should be executed to get mattermost authentication secret (the # secret shall be printed on stdout). See # https://docs.mattermost.com/integrations/cloud-personal-access-secrets.html#creating-a-personal-access-secret. # It is recommended to use the OS keyring with `keyring_service`. # mm_secret_cmd = "secret-tool lookup name automattermostatus" # *service* name used to query OS keyring in order to retrieve your # mattermost private access secret. The user used to query the keyring is # `mm_user` keyring_service = 'mattermost_secret' # set expiry time for custom mattermost status expires_at = "19:30" # set begin and end time of the working period. Outside of this period, custom # status won't be set. begin = "8:00" end = "19:30" # Definition of the day off (when automattermostatus do not update the user # custom status). If a day is no present then it is considered as a workday. # The attributes may be: # - `EveryWeek`: the day is always off # - `EvenWeek`: the day is off on even week (iso week number) # - `OddWeek`: the day is off on odd week (iso week number) [offdays] Sat = 'EveryWeek' Sun = 'EveryWeek' Wed = 'EvenWeek'