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The most simple way to implement the trait is with a function given the following signature: ```rust fn parser(source: &str, location: Span) -> ParseResult { /* ... */ } ``` This is a function that takes an input string slice its location in some original source text and will parse a `String` value starting at that location. A simple identifier parser -------------------------- The following is an example that implements a parser of C-like identifiers. These begin with an ASCII letter or underscore and are followed by any number of ASCII digits, letters, or underscores. ```rust /// Parse a single alphabetic character or underscore fn identifier_prefix(source: &str, location: Span) -> ParseResult { alphabetic.or("_").parse(source, location) } /// Parse a zero or more letters, digits, and underscores fn identifier_body(source: &str, location: Span) -> ParseResult { identifier_prefix.or(digit).multiple().maybe().parse(source, location) } /// Accumulate the characters for a single identifier into a string fn identifier(source: &str, location: Span) -> ParseResult { identifier_prefix .and(identifier_body) .copy_string() .parse(source, location) } ``` As the functions above each implement the [`Parser`](trait.Parser.html) trait, [combinators](combinators/trait.ParserExt.html) can be used directly on the functions. A number of the most common combinators are shown in the example above. * [`or`](combinators/trait.ParserExt.html#method.or) will take a parser and _additionally_ try an alternative parser at the same location. This can produce a result from both parsers if they ar successful. * [`and`](combinators/trait.ParserExt.html#method.and) will take a parser that produces a [`List`](list/struct.List.html) and append the result of another parser that produces the same type of list. * [`multiple`](combinators/trait.ParserExt.html#method.multiple) will take a parser that produces a [`List`](list/struct.List.html) and attempt to apply that parser one or more times in succession. * [`maybe`](combinators/trait.ParserExt.html#method.maybe) will take a parser that produces a [`List`](list/struct.List.html) and attempt to apply that parser zero or one times. When using both [`multiple`](combinators/trait.ParserExt.html#method.multiple) and [`maybe`](combinators/trait.ParserExt.html#method.maybe) to achieve zero or more repetitions, `multiple().maybe()` must be used; `maybe().multiple()` can find an infinite number of ways to apply any parser on even an empty string. * [`map`](combinators/trait.ParserExt.html#method.map) can be used to transform the type produced by a particular parser. * [`end`](combinators/trait.ParserExt.html#method.end) will only produce a successful parse if there is no input remaining after the parser. A few of the provided [parsers](parsers/index.html) have also been used above. * [`alphabetic`](parsers/fn.alphabetic.html) will parse a single character that is an ASCII alphabetic character and produce a [`List`](list/struct.List.html). * [`digit`](parsers/fn.digit.html) will parse a single character that is an ASCII digit character and produce a [`List`](list/struct.List.html). * Any `&str` or `String` can be used to parse itself and produce a [`List`](list/struct.List.html). When invoking a parser the source must be provided as a string slice and the current position must be provided as a [`Span`](trait.Span.html). An intial span can be provided for the start of any string using [`new_location`](fn.new_location.html) but a span associated with a path to a file should be specified using [`path_location`](fn.path_location.html). The [`ParseResult`](struct.ParseResult.html) produced by a parser contains all valid parsings of the input string. If an ambiguous parser is constructed, every unique manner in which that parser could be used to process the input will be produced; [`single_parse`](struct.ParseResult.html#method.single_parse) can be used to check that only a single valid parse was produced. Every successful parse is encapsulated in a [`Meta`](struct.Meta.html) that associates it with a [`Span`](trait.Span.html) that reflects the range within the source that contains the characters parsed for that result. The [`meta`](struct.MetaMap.html) combinator can be used to obtain the location associated with a value during parsing. Errors ====== A parser may also need to produce errors while parsing. The parser will discard errors that are not associated with a valid parse so *some* value must be associated with the error and the error will be associated with a particular location in the parse. If there are errors associated with a [`ParseResult`]() their type must be passed as the third type argument to the type constructor. If any valid parse of the source produced errors [`is_success`](struct.ParseResult.html#method.is_success) will return `false`. The following example will either parse the first five letters of the alphabet in lower-case or will produce an error associated with the alphabetic characters starting at the same location. ```rust /// Parses the first 5 letters of the alphabet in order fn alphabet_parse() -> impl Parser { "abcde" .on_none( alphabetic .multiple() .maybe() .and_then(|text| error(text, "Not in alphabetical order")) ) } ``` The [`on_none`](combinators/trait.ParserExt.html#method.on_none) combinator can be used to provide an alternative parser that is used only if the original parser was unable to find any valid parse (including parsers that resulted in an error). The [`on_failure`](combinators/trait.ParserExt.html#method.on_failure) combinator can be used to provide an alternative parser that is used when the original parser produced an error or if no valid parse was found or if a valid parse associated with an error was found. The [`error`](parsers/fn.error.html) parser will produce a valid parse with the provided value but will also produce the provided error. This allows parsing to continue and find further errors. The [`ParseResult`](struct.ParseResult.html) produced by a parser contains all errors produced by all valid parsings of the input. Each [`error`](parsers/fn.error.html) will be associated with the location in the source where the error was produced. Exceptions ---------- Exceptions can be used to associate errors with an exact span of input rather than a single location. The [`throw`](parsers/fn.throw.html) parser can be used exactly like the [`error`](parsers/fn.error.html) parser except it creates an _exception_, rather than an error, at the same location. The [`catch`](combinators/trait.ParserExt.html#method.catch) combinator can then be used to convert the exception into an error and extend the start of the span associated with the error all the way back to the start of the original parse. The following example shows how the error produced by the `alphabet_parse` function above can be associated with the span of source code that was consumed to produce the error. ```rust /// Parses the first 5 letters of the alphabet in order fn alphabet_parse() -> impl Parser { "abcde" .on_none( alphabetic .multiple() .maybe() .and_then(|text| throw(text, "Not in alphabetical order")) ) .catch() } ``` Current version: 0.4.3 License: ISC