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## ❖ AvatarSay
Beautiful quotes from Avatar: The Last Airbender, right in your terminal
AvatarSay uses [viuer](https://github.com/atanunq/viuer) to display the images, but it does not use the [sixel](https://github.com/saitoha/libsixel) feature.
This means it only supports the [kitty](https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/graphics-protocol/) and [iTerm](https://iterm2.com/documentation-images.html) protocols.
AvatarSay was tested on the following terminal emulators:
- [Kitty](https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/)
- [WezTerm](https://wezfurlong.org/wezterm/index.html)
- [iTerm](https://iterm2.com/)
## ❖ Requirements
AvatarSay uses [AvatarAPI.rs](https://github.com/dotzenith/AvatarAPI.rs) to source the information
As such `AvatarAPIBaseURL` must be set:
export AvatarAPIBaseURL="http://avatarquotes.xyz/api"
## ❖ Installation
#### Shell
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf https://github.com/dotzenith/AvatarSay/releases/latest/download/avatarsay-installer.sh | sh
#### Brew
brew tap dotzenith/tap
brew install avatarsay
#### Powershell
irm https://github.com/dotzenith/AvatarSay/releases/latest/download/avatarsay-installer.ps1 | iex
#### Cargo
cargo install avatarsay
#### Binaries
Pre-Compiled binaries for linux, mac, and windows are available in [Releases](https://github.com/dotzenith/AvatarSay/releases)
#### Source
- First, install [rust](https://rustup.rs/)
git clone https://github.com/dotzenith/AvatarSay.git
cd AvatarSay
cargo build --release
## ❖ Usage
Beautiful quotes from Avatar: The Last Airbender
Usage: avatarsay
random Get a random quote
character Get a quote from a specfic character
nation Get a quote from a character from a specfic nation
bending Get a quote from a character with specfic bending ability
episode Get a quote from a specfic episode
book Get a quote from a specfic book
valid Get all valid inputs for any given filter above
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
## ❖ What's New?
0.1.1 - Initial Release