@available(OSX 10.10, *) open class AVAudioChannelLayout : NSObject, NSSecureCoding { /** @method initWithLayoutTag: @abstract Initialize from a layout tag. @param layoutTag The tag. @discussion Returns nil if the tag is either kAudioChannelLayoutTag_UseChannelDescriptions or kAudioChannelLayoutTag_UseChannelBitmap. */ public convenience init?(layoutTag: AudioChannelLayoutTag) /** @method initWithLayout: @abstract Initialize from an AudioChannelLayout. @param layout The AudioChannelLayout. @discussion If the provided layout's tag is kAudioChannelLayoutTag_UseChannelDescriptions, this initializer attempts to convert it to a more specific tag. */ public init(layout: UnsafePointer) /** @method isEqual: @abstract Determine whether another AVAudioChannelLayout is exactly equal to this layout. @param object The AVAudioChannelLayout to compare against. @discussion The underlying AudioChannelLayoutTag and AudioChannelLayout are compared for equality. */ open func isEqual(_ object: Any) -> Bool /** @property layoutTag @abstract The layout's tag. */ open var layoutTag: AudioChannelLayoutTag { get } /** @property layout @abstract The underlying AudioChannelLayout. */ open var layout: UnsafePointer { get } /** @property channelCount @abstract The number of channels of audio data. */ open var channelCount: AVAudioChannelCount { get } }