# Avid A configuration language for programs with a Forth-like syntax, intended to be as plug-and-play as possible. ## NOTE: The language is currently in a beta state I am working on fixing this as soon as possible, but it should be known! ## Documentation To see the Avid documentation, check out [the syntax](./doc/Syntax.md) and [the standard library](./doc/StandardLib.md)! ## Quick Start To add it as a configuration language to your program, add it to your dependencies in your Cargo.toml, like so: ``` toml [dependencies] avid = {version = "*", git = "https://www.gitlab.com/daisyflare/avid"} ``` If you want to just use the language itself, you can do that like so: ``` shell $ git clone "https://www.gitlab.com/daisyflare/avid" $ cd avid $ cargo build --release && cp target/release/avid . $ ./avid ```