# AVM1 Emitter
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AVM1 emitter implemented in Rust.
Converts [`avm1-types` control flow graphs][avm1-types] to bytes.
## Usage
## Contributing
This repo uses Git submodules for its test samples:
# Clone with submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules git://github.com/open-flash/avm1-emitter.git
# Update submodules for an already-cloned repo
git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
This library is a standard Cargo project. You can test your changes with
`cargo test`.
Prefer non-`master` branches when sending a PR so your changes can be rebased if
needed. All the commits must be made on top of `master` (fast-forward merge).
CI must pass for changes to be accepted.
[avm1-types]: https://github.com/open-flash/avm1-types