//! Port of https://github.com/apache/avro/blob/release-1.9.1/lang/py/test/test_io.py use avro_rs::{from_avro_datum, to_avro_datum, types::Value, Error, Schema}; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use std::io::Cursor; lazy_static! { static ref SCHEMAS_TO_VALIDATE: Vec<(&'static str, Value)> = vec![ (r#""null""#, Value::Null), (r#""boolean""#, Value::Boolean(true)), (r#""string""#, Value::String("adsfasdf09809dsf-=adsf".to_string())), (r#""bytes""#, Value::Bytes("12345abcd".to_string().into_bytes())), (r#""int""#, Value::Int(1234)), (r#""long""#, Value::Long(1234)), (r#""float""#, Value::Float(1234.0)), (r#""double""#, Value::Double(1234.0)), (r#"{"type": "fixed", "name": "Test", "size": 1}"#, Value::Fixed(1, vec![b'B'])), (r#"{"type": "enum", "name": "Test", "symbols": ["A", "B"]}"#, Value::Enum(1, "B".to_string())), (r#"{"type": "array", "items": "long"}"#, Value::Array(vec![Value::Long(1), Value::Long(3), Value::Long(2)])), (r#"{"type": "map", "values": "long"}"#, Value::Map([("a".to_string(), Value::Long(1i64)), ("b".to_string(), Value::Long(3i64)), ("c".to_string(), Value::Long(2i64))].iter().cloned().collect())), (r#"["string", "null", "long"]"#, Value::Union(Box::new(Value::Null))), (r#"{"type": "record", "name": "Test", "fields": [{"name": "f", "type": "long"}]}"#, Value::Record(vec![("f".to_string(), Value::Long(1))])) ]; static ref BINARY_ENCODINGS: Vec<(i64, Vec)> = vec![ (0, vec![0x00]), (-1, vec![0x01]), (1, vec![0x02]), (-2, vec![0x03]), (2, vec![0x04]), (-64, vec![0x7f]), (64, vec![0x80, 0x01]), (8192, vec![0x80, 0x80, 0x01]), (-8193, vec![0x81, 0x80, 0x01]), ]; static ref DEFAULT_VALUE_EXAMPLES: Vec<(&'static str, &'static str, Value)> = vec![ (r#""null""#, "null", Value::Null), (r#""boolean""#, "true", Value::Boolean(true)), (r#""string""#, r#""foo""#, Value::String("foo".to_string())), // TODO: (#96) investigate why this is failing //(r#""bytes""#, r#""\u00FF\u00FF""#, Value::Bytes(vec![0xff, 0xff])), (r#""int""#, "5", Value::Int(5)), (r#""long""#, "5", Value::Long(5)), (r#""float""#, "1.1", Value::Float(1.1)), (r#""double""#, "1.1", Value::Double(1.1)), // TODO: (#96) investigate why this is failing //(r#"{"type": "fixed", "name": "F", "size": 2}"#, r#""\u00FF\u00FF""#, Value::Bytes(vec![0xff, 0xff])), (r#"{"type": "enum", "name": "F", "symbols": ["FOO", "BAR"]}"#, r#""FOO""#, Value::Enum(0, "FOO".to_string())), (r#"{"type": "array", "items": "int"}"#, "[1, 2, 3]", Value::Array(vec![Value::Int(1), Value::Int(2), Value::Int(3)])), (r#"{"type": "map", "values": "int"}"#, r#"{"a": 1, "b": 2}"#, Value::Map([("a".to_string(), Value::Int(1)), ("b".to_string(), Value::Int(2))].iter().cloned().collect())), (r#"["int", "null"]"#, "5", Value::Union(Box::new(Value::Int(5)))), (r#"{"type": "record", "name": "F", "fields": [{"name": "A", "type": "int"}]}"#, r#"{"A": 5}"#,Value::Record(vec![("A".to_string(), Value::Int(5))])), ]; static ref LONG_RECORD_SCHEMA: Schema = Schema::parse_str(r#" { "type": "record", "name": "Test", "fields": [ {"name": "A", "type": "int"}, {"name": "B", "type": "int"}, {"name": "C", "type": "int"}, {"name": "D", "type": "int"}, {"name": "E", "type": "int"}, {"name": "F", "type": "int"}, {"name": "G", "type": "int"} ] } "#).unwrap(); static ref LONG_RECORD_DATUM: Value = Value::Record(vec![ ("A".to_string(), Value::Int(1)), ("B".to_string(), Value::Int(2)), ("C".to_string(), Value::Int(3)), ("D".to_string(), Value::Int(4)), ("E".to_string(), Value::Int(5)), ("F".to_string(), Value::Int(6)), ("G".to_string(), Value::Int(7)), ]); } #[test] fn test_validate() { for (raw_schema, value) in SCHEMAS_TO_VALIDATE.iter() { let schema = Schema::parse_str(raw_schema).unwrap(); assert!( value.validate(&schema), format!("value {:?} does not validate schema: {}", value, raw_schema) ); } } #[test] fn test_round_trip() { for (raw_schema, value) in SCHEMAS_TO_VALIDATE.iter() { let schema = Schema::parse_str(raw_schema).unwrap(); let encoded = to_avro_datum(&schema, value.clone()).unwrap(); let decoded = from_avro_datum(&schema, &mut Cursor::new(encoded), None).unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, &decoded); } } #[test] fn test_binary_int_encoding() { for (number, hex_encoding) in BINARY_ENCODINGS.iter() { let encoded = to_avro_datum(&Schema::Int, Value::Int(*number as i32)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(&encoded, hex_encoding); } } #[test] fn test_binary_long_encoding() { for (number, hex_encoding) in BINARY_ENCODINGS.iter() { let encoded = to_avro_datum(&Schema::Long, Value::Long(*number as i64)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(&encoded, hex_encoding); } } #[test] fn test_schema_promotion() { // Each schema is present in order of promotion (int -> long, long -> float, float -> double) // Each value represents the expected decoded value when promoting a value previously encoded with a promotable schema let promotable_schemas = vec![r#""int""#, r#""long""#, r#""float""#, r#""double""#]; let promotable_values = vec![ Value::Int(219), Value::Long(219), Value::Float(219.0), Value::Double(219.0), ]; for (i, writer_raw_schema) in promotable_schemas.iter().enumerate() { let writer_schema = Schema::parse_str(writer_raw_schema).unwrap(); let original_value = &promotable_values[i]; for (j, reader_raw_schema) in promotable_schemas.iter().enumerate().skip(i + 1) { let reader_schema = Schema::parse_str(reader_raw_schema).unwrap(); let encoded = to_avro_datum(&writer_schema, original_value.clone()).unwrap(); let decoded = from_avro_datum( &writer_schema, &mut Cursor::new(encoded), Some(&reader_schema), ) .unwrap_or_else(|_| { panic!( "failed to decode {:?} with schema: {:?}", original_value, reader_raw_schema, ) }); assert_eq!(decoded, promotable_values[j]); } } } #[test] fn test_unknown_symbol() { let writer_schema = Schema::parse_str(r#"{"type": "enum", "name": "Test", "symbols": ["FOO", "BAR"]}"#) .unwrap(); let reader_schema = Schema::parse_str(r#"{"type": "enum", "name": "Test", "symbols": ["BAR", "BAZ"]}"#) .unwrap(); let original_value = Value::Enum(0, "FOO".to_string()); let encoded = to_avro_datum(&writer_schema, original_value).unwrap(); let decoded = from_avro_datum( &writer_schema, &mut Cursor::new(encoded), Some(&reader_schema), ); assert!(decoded.is_err()); } #[test] fn test_default_value() { for (field_type, default_json, default_datum) in DEFAULT_VALUE_EXAMPLES.iter() { let reader_schema = Schema::parse_str(&format!( r#"{{ "type": "record", "name": "Test", "fields": [ {{"name": "H", "type": {}, "default": {}}} ] }}"#, field_type, default_json )) .unwrap(); let datum_to_read = Value::Record(vec![("H".to_string(), default_datum.clone())]); let encoded = to_avro_datum(&LONG_RECORD_SCHEMA, LONG_RECORD_DATUM.clone()).unwrap(); let datum_read = from_avro_datum( &LONG_RECORD_SCHEMA, &mut Cursor::new(encoded), Some(&reader_schema), ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( datum_read, datum_to_read, "{} -> {}", *field_type, *default_json ); } } #[test] fn test_no_default_value() -> Result<(), Error> { let reader_schema = Schema::parse_str( r#"{ "type": "record", "name": "Test", "fields": [ {"name": "H", "type": "int"} ] }"#, ) .unwrap(); let encoded = to_avro_datum(&LONG_RECORD_SCHEMA, LONG_RECORD_DATUM.clone()).unwrap(); let result = from_avro_datum( &LONG_RECORD_SCHEMA, &mut Cursor::new(encoded), Some(&reader_schema), ); assert!(result.is_err()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_projection() { let reader_schema = Schema::parse_str( r#" { "type": "record", "name": "Test", "fields": [ {"name": "E", "type": "int"}, {"name": "F", "type": "int"} ] } "#, ) .unwrap(); let datum_to_read = Value::Record(vec![ ("E".to_string(), Value::Int(5)), ("F".to_string(), Value::Int(6)), ]); let encoded = to_avro_datum(&LONG_RECORD_SCHEMA, LONG_RECORD_DATUM.clone()).unwrap(); let datum_read = from_avro_datum( &LONG_RECORD_SCHEMA, &mut Cursor::new(encoded), Some(&reader_schema), ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(datum_to_read, datum_read); } #[test] fn test_field_order() { let reader_schema = Schema::parse_str( r#" { "type": "record", "name": "Test", "fields": [ {"name": "F", "type": "int"}, {"name": "E", "type": "int"} ] } "#, ) .unwrap(); let datum_to_read = Value::Record(vec![ ("F".to_string(), Value::Int(6)), ("E".to_string(), Value::Int(5)), ]); let encoded = to_avro_datum(&LONG_RECORD_SCHEMA, LONG_RECORD_DATUM.clone()).unwrap(); let datum_read = from_avro_datum( &LONG_RECORD_SCHEMA, &mut Cursor::new(encoded), Some(&reader_schema), ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(datum_to_read, datum_read); } #[test] fn test_type_exception() -> Result<(), String> { let writer_schema = Schema::parse_str( r#" { "type": "record", "name": "Test", "fields": [ {"name": "F", "type": "int"}, {"name": "E", "type": "int"} ] } "#, ) .unwrap(); let datum_to_write = Value::Record(vec![ ("E".to_string(), Value::Int(5)), ("F".to_string(), Value::String(String::from("Bad"))), ]); let encoded = to_avro_datum(&writer_schema, datum_to_write); match encoded { Ok(_) => Err(String::from("Expected ValidationError, got Ok")), Err(Error::Validation) => Ok(()), Err(ref e) => Err(format!("Expected ValidationError, got {}", e)), } }