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V# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// A" V# // // A# V# // rMeshOBJ exporter v1.0 - Mesh exported as triangle faces and not optimized // A# V# // more info and bugs-report: github.com/raysan5/raylib // A$ V# // feedback and support: ray[at]raylib.com // A% V# // Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5) // A% W# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// A& # Vertex Count: %i A& # Triangle Count: %i A& v %.2f %.2f %.2f A' vt %.3f %.3f A' vn %.3f %.3f %.3f A' f %i/%i/%i %i/%i/%i %i/%i/%i A' .rawA' Z//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// A( Z// // A) Z// MeshAsCode exporter v1.0 - Mesh vertex data exported as arrays // A) Z// more info and bugs-report: github.com/raysan5/raylib // A* Z// feedback and support: ray[at]raylib.com // A+ Z// Copyright (c) 2023 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5) // A+ [//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// A, // Mesh basic information A, #define %s_VERTEX_COUNT %i A- !#define %s_TRIANGLE_COUNT %i A- %static float %s_VERTEX_DATA[%i] = { A- %.3ff, A- %.3ff, A- %.3ff }; A- 'static float %s_TEXCOORD_DATA[%i] = { A. (static float %s_TEXCOORD2_DATA[%i] = { A. %static float %s_NORMAL_DATA[%i] = { A. &static float %s_TANGENT_DATA[%i] = { A. ,static unsigned char %s_COLOR_DATA[%i] = { A/ 0x%x, A/ 0x%x, A/ 0x%x }; A/ -static unsigned short %s_INDEX_DATA[%i] = { A/ %i, A/ %i, A/ %i }; A0 .mtlA0 .MATERIAL: [%s] Failed to parse materials fileA0 !MESH: Id greater than mesh countA0 )MATERIAL: Id greater than material countA0 .gltf;.glbA1 BMODEL: UpdateModelAnimation(): Mesh %i has no connection to bonesA1 ????????????????????????A3 ????????????A5 &MESH: Failed to generate mesh: sphereA5 *MESH: Failed to generate mesh: hemisphereA6 (MESH: Failed to generate mesh: cylinderA6 $MESH: Failed to generate mesh: coneA6 %MESH: Failed to generate mesh: torusA6 $MESH: Failed to generate mesh: knotA7 ?A7 A7 A7 A7 ?A7 BMESH: Tangents generation requires texcoord vertex attribute dataA8 OMESH: vertexCount expected to be a multiple of 3. Expect uninitialized values.A8 weightsA> targetNamesA> modeA> indicesA> materialA> attributesA> targetsA> KHR_draco_mesh_compressionA> POSITIONA> NORMALA> TANGENTA> TEXCOORDA> COLORA? JOINTSA? WEIGHTSA? bufferViewA? mappingsA? byteOffsetA? componentTypeA? normalizedA? countA? typeA? SCALARA? VEC2A? VEC3A? VEC4A? MAT2A? MAT3A? MAT4A? minA? maxA? sparseA trueA valuesA bufferA byteLengthA byteStrideA targetA EXT_meshopt_compressionA ATTRIBUTESA TRIANGLESA INDICESA filterA NONEA OCTAHEDRALA QUATERNIONA EXPONENTIALA uriA pbrMetallicRoughnessA emissiveFactorA normalTextureA occlusionTextureA emissiveTextureA alphaModeA OPAQUEA MASKA BLENDA alphaCutoffA doubleSidedA $KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossinessA KHR_materials_unlitA KHR_materials_clearcoatA KHR_materials_iorA KHR_materials_specularA KHR_materials_transmissionA KHR_materials_volumeA KHR_materials_sheenA KHR_materials_emissive_strengthA KHR_materials_iridescenceA KHR_materials_anisotropyA KHR_materials_dispersionA metallicFactorA roughnessFactorA baseColorFactorA baseColorTextureA metallicRoughnessTextureA indexA texCoordA scaleA strengthA KHR_texture_transformA offsetA rotationA diffuseFactorA specularFactorA glossinessFactorA diffuseTextureA specularGlossinessTextureA clearcoatFactorA clearcoatRoughnessFactorA clearcoatTextureA clearcoatRoughnessTextureA clearcoatNormalTextureA iorA specularColorFactorA specularTextureA specularColorTextureA transmissionFactorA transmissionTextureA thicknessFactorA thicknessTextureA attenuationColorA attenuationDistanceA sheenColorFactorA sheenColorTextureA sheenRoughnessFactorA sheenRoughnessTextureA emissiveStrengthA iridescenceFactorA iridescenceTextureA iridescenceIorA iridescenceThicknessMinimumA iridescenceThicknessMaximumA iridescenceThicknessTextureA anisotropyStrengthA anisotropyRotationA anisotropyTextureA dispersionA mimeTypeA samplerA sourceA KHR_texture_basisuA magFilterA minFilterA wrapSA wrapTA jointsA skeletonA inverseBindMatricesA perspectiveA aspectRatioA yfovA zfarA znearA orthographicA xmagA ymagA childrenA meshA skinA cameraA translationA matrixA lightA EXT_mesh_gpu_instancingA channelsA inputA outputA interpolationA LINEARA STEPA CUBICSPLINEA nodeA pathA colorA intensityA directionalA pointA spotA rangeA innerConeAngleA outerConeAngleA A A Corrupt PNGA A Out of memoryA      A | #+3;CScsA |A  !1Aa  0@`A  A Very large image (corrupt?)A 'PNG not supported: 1/2/4/8/16-bit onlyA Image too large to decodeA UA *PNG not supported: unknown PNG chunk typeA PNG  A Not a PNGA A A A A A =mesh->npoints == mesh->ntriangles * 3 && "Must be unwelded."A par_shapes__subdivideA A A nindex < mesh->npointsA par_shapes__weld_pointsA ci == npointsA a < mesh->npointsA b < mesh->npointsA c < mesh->npointsA A /MODEL: [%s] Failed to change working directoryA $MODEL: [%s] Failed to load OBJ dataA AMODEL: [%s] OBJ data loaded successfully: %i meshes/%i materialsA JMODEL: No materials provided, setting one default material for all meshesA INTERQUAKEMODELA *MODEL: [%s] IQM file is not a valid modelA 0MODEL: [%s] IQM file version not supported (%i)A %s/%sA *MODEL: [%s] mesh name (%s), material (%s)A LAssumes bones are toplogically sorted, but bone %d has parent %d. Skipping.A IQM Anim %sA ANIMJOINTNAMEA 7MODEL: [%s] Model basic data (glb) loaded successfullyA 8MODEL: [%s] Model basic data (glTF) loaded successfullyA (MODEL: [%s] Model format not recognizedA  > Meshes count: %iA ' > Materials count: %i (+1 default)A  > Buffers count: %iA  > Images count: %iA  > Textures count: %iA 1MODEL: [%s] Failed to load mesh/material buffersA @ > Primitives (triangles only) count based on hierarchy : %iA IMODEL: [%s] Vertices attribute data format not supported, use vec3 floatA GMODEL: [%s] Normal attribute data format not supported, use vec3 floatA HMODEL: [%s] Tangent attribute data format not supported, use vec4 floatA :MODEL: [%s] Texcoords attribute data format not supportedA JMODEL: [%s] Texcoords attribute data format not supported, use vec2 floatA DMODEL: [%s] No more than 2 texture coordinates attributes supportedA 6MODEL: [%s] Color attribute data format not supportedA JMODEL: [%s] Indices data converted from u32 to u16, possible loss of dataA 7MODEL: [%s] Indices data format not supported, use u16A TMODEL: [%s] can only load one skin (armature) per model, but gltf skins_count == %iA 7MODEL: [%s] Joint attribute data format (u16) overflowA 6MODEL: [%s] Joint attribute data format not supportedA MMODEL: [%s] Joint weight attribute data format not supported, use vec4 floatA %MODEL: [%s] Failed to load glTF dataA *IMAGE: glTF data URI is not a valid imageA image\/pngA image/pngA image\/jpegA image/jpegA .jpgA 0MODEL: glTF image data MIME type not recognizedA -MODEL: [%s] Failed to load animation buffersA XMODEL: [%s] Unsupported target_path on channel %d's sampler for animation %d. Skipping.A HMODEL: [%s] Invalid interpolation curve encountered for GLTF animation.A &MODEL: [%s] Failed to load input timeA ;MODEL: [%s] Failed to load translate pose data for bone %sA 8MODEL: [%s] Failed to load rotate pose data for bone %sA 7MODEL: [%s] Failed to load scale pose data for bone %sA 2MODEL: [%s] Loaded animation: %s (%d frames, %fs)A NULLA PMODEL: [%s] expected exactly one skin to load animation data from, but found %iA $MODEL: [%s] Failed to load VOX fileA $MODEL: [%s] Failed to load VOX dataA AMODEL: [%s] VOX data loaded successfully : %i vertices/%i meshesA 3MODEL: [%s] Failed to load M3D data, error code %dA @MODEL: [%s] M3D data loaded successfully: %i faces/%i materialsA $MODEL: model has %i material meshesA >MODEL: No materials, putting all meshes in a default materialA LMODEL: [%s] M3D data loaded successfully: %i animations, %i bones, %i skinsA .MODEL: [%s] animation #%i: %i msec, %i framesA Epsilon value is too large.A A  A A ցlinking 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.L__const.GenMeshCubicmap.n5 .L__const.GenMeshCubicmap.n1 .L__const.GenMeshCubicmap.n2 GenMeshTangents .L.str.128B .L.str.129O .L.str.130< DrawModel DrawModelExDrawModelWiresyzDrawModelWiresEx DrawBillboardDrawBillboardProDrawBillboardRec{|DrawBoundingBoxCheckCollisionSpheresCheckCollisionBoxesCheckCollisionBoxSphereGetRayCollisionSphereGetRayCollisionBox}~GetRayCollisionMeshGetRayCollisionTriangleGetRayCollisionQuad .L.str.153cgltf_json_strcmp .L.str.176 cgltf_parse_json_string .L.str.177  .L.str.178 .L.str.179  .L.str.168cgltf_parse_json_extras .L.str.169 'cgltf_parse_json_unprocessed_extensionscgltf_skip_json .L.str.154cgltf_parse_json_array .L.str.180 .L.str.181  .L.str.184cgltf_json_to_int .L.str.185 .L.str.186  .L.str.187 cgltf_parse_json_attribute_list .L.str.188 .L.str.189 .L.str.197  .L.str.172 .L.str.198 &cgltf_parse_json_material_mapping_data&cgltf_parse_json_unprocessed_extension .L.str.182cgltf_parse_json_float_array .L.str.183 cgltf_parse_json_string_array .L.str.155  .L.str.199 cgltf_json_to_size .L.str.200cgltf_json_to_component_type .L.str.201  .L.str.202 .L.str.203 .L.str.204 .L.str.205 .L.str.206 .L.str.207 .L.str.208 .L.str.209 .L.str.210 .L.str.211 .L.str.212 .L.str.213 .L.str.215 .L.str.156  .L.str.216 .L.str.217  .L.str.218  .L.str.219 .L.str.220 .L.str.221  .L.str.222  .L.str.223 .L.str.224 .L.str.225 .L.str.226  .L.str.227  .L.str.228  .L.str.157 .L.str.229 .L.str.158  .L.str.230 .L.str.253cgltf_json_to_float .L.str.254 .L.str.255 .L.str.256cgltf_parse_json_texture_view .L.str.257 .L.str.231 .L.str.232 .L.str.233 .L.str.234 .L.str.235  .L.str.236 .L.str.237 .L.str.238 .L.str.239  .L.str.240  .L.str.241$ .L.str.265 .L.str.266 .L.str.267 .L.str.268 .L.str.269 .L.str.242 .L.str.243cgltf_parse_json_clearcoat .L.str.244cgltf_parse_json_ior .L.str.245cgltf_parse_json_specular .L.str.246cgltf_parse_json_transmission .L.str.247cgltf_parse_json_volume .L.str.248cgltf_parse_json_sheen .L.str.249 "cgltf_parse_json_emissive_strength .L.str.250cgltf_parse_json_iridescence .L.str.251cgltf_parse_json_anisotropy .L.str.252cgltf_parse_json_dispersion .L.str.159 .L.str.300  .L.str.160  .L.str.301 .L.str.302 .L.str.303 .L.str.161  .L.str.304  .L.str.305  .L.str.306 .L.str.307 .L.str.162 .L.str.308 .L.str.309  .L.str.310 .L.str.163cgltf_parse_json_cameras .L.str.164cgltf_parse_json_nodes .L.str.165cgltf_parse_json_scenes .L.str.166 .L.str.167 cgltf_parse_json_animations .L.str.170 .L.str.171cgltf_parse_json_lights .L.str.173 cgltf_parse_json_variants .L.str.174 .L.str.175 .L.str.311  .L.str.312  .L.str.313 .L.str.314 .L.str.315 .L.str.316  .L.str.317 .L.str.318 .L.str.319  .L.str.320 .L.str.321 .L.str.322 .L.str.323  .L.str.264  .L.str.260 .L.str.324 .L.str.325 .L.str.326$cgltf_parse_json_mesh_gpu_instancing .L.str.328 .L.str.329 .L.str.330 .L.str.331 .L.str.332 .L.str.333  .L.str.327  .L.str.334 .L.str.335 .L.str.336 .L.str.337  .L.str.338  .L.str.339 .L.str.340 .L.str.341 .L.str.342 .L.str.343 .L.str.190  .L.str.191 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A 8ma_device_get_state(pDevice) == ma_device_state_stoppedA ma_device_initA [%s] A %s (%s) A CaptureA  Format: %s -> %s A  Channels: %d -> %d A  Sample Rate: %d -> %d A  Buffer Size: %d*%d (%d) A  Conversion: A " Pre Format Conversion: %s A " Post Format Conversion: %s A " Channel Routing: %s A " Resampling: %s A " Passthrough: %s A $ Channel Map In: {%s} A $ Channel Map Out: {%s} A PlaybackA ma_device_startA 8ma_device_get_state(pDevice) == ma_device_state_startedA ma_device_stopA 8ma_device_get_state(pDevice) != ma_device_state_startedA pDst != ((void*)0)A ma_clip_samples_u8A pSrc != ((void*)0)A ma_clip_samples_s16A ma_clip_samples_s24A ma_clip_samples_s32A ma_clip_samples_f32A ma_clip_pcm_framesA -ma_copy_and_apply_volume_and_clip_samples_u8A .ma_copy_and_apply_volume_and_clip_samples_s16A .ma_copy_and_apply_volume_and_clip_samples_s24A .ma_copy_and_apply_volume_and_clip_samples_s32A .ma_copy_and_apply_volume_and_clip_samples_f32A -ma_copy_and_apply_volume_and_clip_pcm_framesA ma_biquad_process_pcm_framesA ma_lpf1_process_pcm_framesA ma_lpf_process_pcm_framesA ma_hpf1_process_pcm_framesA ma_hpf_process_pcm_framesA ma_bpf_process_pcm_framesA pChannelMapOut != ((void*)0)A "ma_spatializer_process_pcm_framesA 'ma_linear_resampler_process_pcm_framesA %pConverter->hasChannelConverter == 1A $ma_data_converter_init_preallocatedA CHANNEL_NONEA CHANNEL_MONOA CHANNEL_FRONT_LEFTA CHANNEL_FRONT_RIGHTA CHANNEL_FRONT_CENTERA CHANNEL_LFEA CHANNEL_BACK_LEFTA CHANNEL_BACK_RIGHTA CHANNEL_FRONT_LEFT_CENTER A CHANNEL_FRONT_RIGHT_CENTERA CHANNEL_BACK_CENTERA CHANNEL_SIDE_LEFTA CHANNEL_SIDE_RIGHTA CHANNEL_TOP_CENTERA CHANNEL_TOP_FRONT_LEFTA CHANNEL_TOP_FRONT_CENTERA CHANNEL_TOP_FRONT_RIGHTA CHANNEL_TOP_BACK_LEFTA CHANNEL_TOP_BACK_CENTERA CHANNEL_TOP_BACK_RIGHTA CHANNEL_AUX_0A CHANNEL_AUX_1A CHANNEL_AUX_2A CHANNEL_AUX_3A CHANNEL_AUX_4A CHANNEL_AUX_5A CHANNEL_AUX_6A CHANNEL_AUX_7A CHANNEL_AUX_8A CHANNEL_AUX_9A CHANNEL_AUX_10A CHANNEL_AUX_11A CHANNEL_AUX_12A CHANNEL_AUX_13A CHANNEL_AUX_14A CHANNEL_AUX_15A CHANNEL_AUX_16A CHANNEL_AUX_17A CHANNEL_AUX_18A CHANNEL_AUX_19A CHANNEL_AUX_20A CHANNEL_AUX_21A CHANNEL_AUX_22A CHANNEL_AUX_23A CHANNEL_AUX_24A CHANNEL_AUX_25A CHANNEL_AUX_26A CHANNEL_AUX_27A CHANNEL_AUX_28A CHANNEL_AUX_29A CHANNEL_AUX_30A CHANNEL_AUX_31A UNKNOWNA EFA No errorA Unknown errorA Invalid argumentA Invalid operationA Out of memoryA Out of rangeA Permission deniedA Resource does not existA Resource already existsA Too many open filesA Invalid fileA Too largeA Path too longA Name too longA Not a directoryA Is a directoryA Directory not emptyA At endA No space availableA Device or resource busyA Input/output errorA InterruptedA Resource unavailableA Resource already in useA Bad addressA Illegal seekA Broken pipeA DeadlockA Too many linksA Not implementedA No message of desired typeA Invalid messageA No data availableA Invalid dataA TimeoutA Network unavailableA Not uniqueA Socket operation on non-socketA Destination address requiredA Protocol wrong type for socketA Protocol not availableA Protocol not supportedA Protocol family not supportedA Address family not supportedA! Socket type not supportedA! Connection resetA! Already connectedA! Not connectedA! Connection refusedA! No hostA! Operation in progressA! Operation cancelledA" Memory already mappedA" Format not supportedA" Device type not supportedA" Share mode not supportedA" No backendA" No deviceA# API not foundA# Invalid device configA# Device not initializedA# Device not startedA# Failed to initialize backendA# Failed to open backend deviceA$ Failed to start backend deviceA$ Failed to stop backend deviceA$ 8-bit Unsigned IntegerA$ 16-bit Signed IntegerA$ '24-bit Signed Integer (Tightly Packed)A% 32-bit Signed IntegerA% 32-bit IEEE Floating PointA% InvalidA% A% 3!(result == MA_AT_END && totalFramesProcessed > 0)A& ma_data_source_read_pcm_framesA& GHIJKA& 8pAudioBufferRef->cursor < pAudioBufferRef->sizeInFramesA' $ma_audio_buffer_ref_read_pcm_framesA' LMNOPA' *pPagedAudioBuffer->pCurrent != ((void*)0)A( &ma_paged_audio_buffer_read_pcm_framesA( OpPagedAudioBuffer->relativeCursor <= pPagedAudioBuffer->pCurrent->sizeInFramesA( pEncoder != ((void*)0)A) ma_encoder_init__internalA) 0.13.13A) rbA) rbA) ./external/dr_wav.hA) drwav_seek_to_pcm_frameA) *bytesToWriteThisIteration <= 4294967295ULA* drwav_write_pcm_frames_leA* drwav_write_pcm_frames_beA* f->current_loc_validA* ./external/stb_vorbis.cA* stb_vorbis_seek_frameA+ f->current_loc <= sample_numberA+ sample_number > frame_startA+ stb_vorbis_seekA+ Uf->channel_buffer_start + (int) (sample_number-frame_start) <= f->channel_buffer_endA, 0.6.38A, %pMP3->streamCursor >= pMP3->dataSizeA, ./external/dr_mp3.hA, drmp3_calculate_seek_pointsA- DA-  15_m"q5;?.zLhYm:bJ;XP<g }Z} ^$$ &H P`dM W]( $&3@&.$8A1 wbA1 Extended Module: A2 Could not open input fileA2 fseek() failedA2 fread() failedA2 JARXM_MALLOC() failedA2 .could not create context: module is not sane A3 )could not create context: malloc failed A3 ==A3 C-A3 C#A3 D-A3 D#A3 E-A3 F-A3 F#A3 G-A3 G#A3 A-A3 A#A3 ??A3 =A3 1A3 2A3 3A3 4A3 5A3 6A3 7A3 8A3 ?A3 9A3 AA3 BA3 CA3 DA3 EA3 FA3 GA3 HA3 LA3 PA3 RA3 TA3 XA4 M!K!M.K.FLT4FLT84CHN6CHN8CHN10CH 12CH 14CH16CH18CH20CH22CH24CH26CH28CH30CH32CH A6 ke@_ZTPK@G@C?<852/-`*(%#!P@0(` @ p hPLt4X(\:}hS@. xqke_ZUPKGC?<852/-*(%#! A8 A $AUDIO: Failed to initialize contextA ,AUDIO: Failed to initialize playback deviceA )AUDIO: Failed to create mutex for mixingA 'AUDIO: Failed to start playback deviceA 'AUDIO: Device initialized successfullyA $ > Backend: miniaudio | %sA  > Format: %s -> %sA  > Channels: %d -> %dA  > Sample rate: %d -> %dA  > Periods size: %dA "AUDIO: Device closed successfullyA =AUDIO: Device could not be closed, not currently initializedA ,AUDIO: Failed to allocate memory for bufferA 1AUDIO: Failed to create data conversion pipelineA .wavA .WAVA WAVE: Failed to load WAV dataA .oggA .OGGA WAVE: Failed to load OGG dataA .mp3A .MP3A WAVE: Failed to load MP3 dataA .qoaA .QOAA WAVE: Failed to load QOA dataA WAVE: Data format not supportedA Sample rate: %i HzA  > Sample size: %i bitsA  > Channels: %i (%s)A MonoA StereoA MultiA  > Total frames: %iA .XMA .MODA "STREAM: Data format not supportedA 'FILEIO: Music data could not be loadedA 'FILEIO: Music data loaded successfullyA 5STREAM: Initialized successfully (%i Hz, %i bit, %s)A ASTREAM: Failed to load audio buffer, stream could not be createdA ,STREAM: Unloaded audio stream data from RAMA sz == 0A ma_zero_memory_defaultA pHeapLayout != ((void*)0)A "ma_slot_allocator_get_heap_layoutA pJob != ((void*)0)A ma_job_process__noopA ma_job_process__customA ma_job_queue_get_heap_layoutA WASAPIA DirectSoundA WinMMA Core AudioA sndioA audio(4)A OSSA PulseAudioA ALSAA JACKA AAudioA OpenSL|ESA Web AudioA CustomA NullA #notification.pDevice != ((void*)0)A ma_device__on_notificationA pDevice != ((void*)0)A ma_device__post_init_setupA !pDevice->capture.channels <= 254A "pDevice->playback.channels <= 254A pJobThread != ((void*)0)A ma_device_job_thread_entryA pContext != ((void*)0)A ma_context_init__webaudioA 0{ if (typeof window === 'undefined' || (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext) === undefined) { return 0; } if (typeof(window.miniaudio) === 'undefined') { window.miniaudio = { referenceCount: 0 }; window.miniaudio.device_type = {}; window.miniaudio.device_type.playback = $0; window.miniaudio.device_type.capture = $1; window.miniaudio.device_type.duplex = $2; window.miniaudio.device_state = {}; window.miniaudio.device_state.stopped = $3; window.miniaudio.device_state.started = $4; miniaudio.devices = []; miniaudio.track_device = function(device) { for (var iDevice = 0; iDevice < miniaudio.devices.length; ++iDevice) { if (miniaudio.devices[iDevice] == null) { miniaudio.devices[iDevice] = device; return iDevice; } } miniaudio.devices.push(device); return miniaudio.devices.length - 1; }; miniaudio.untrack_device_by_index = function(deviceIndex) { miniaudio.devices[deviceIndex] = null; while (miniaudio.devices.length > 0) { if (miniaudio.devices[miniaudio.devices.length-1] == null) { miniaudio.devices.pop(); } else { break; } } }; miniaudio.untrack_device = function(device) { for (var iDevice = 0; iDevice < miniaudio.devices.length; ++iDevice) { if (miniaudio.devices[iDevice] == device) { return miniaudio.untrack_device_by_index(iDevice); } } }; miniaudio.get_device_by_index = function(deviceIndex) { return miniaudio.devices[deviceIndex]; }; miniaudio.unlock_event_types = (function(){ return ['touchend', 'click']; })(); miniaudio.unlock = function() { for(var i = 0; i < miniaudio.devices.length; ++i) { var device = miniaudio.devices[i]; if (device != null && device.webaudio != null && device.state === window.miniaudio.device_state.started) { device.webaudio.resume().then(() => { Module._ma_device__on_notification_unlocked(device.pDevice); }, (error) => {console.error("Failed to resume audiocontext", error); }); } } miniaudio.unlock_event_types.map(function(event_type) { document.removeEventListener(event_type, miniaudio.unlock, true); }); }; miniaudio.unlock_event_types.map(function(event_type) { document.addEventListener(event_type, miniaudio.unlock, true); }); } window.miniaudio.referenceCount += 1; return 1; }{ if (typeof(window.miniaudio) !== 'undefined') { window.miniaudio.referenceCount -= 1; if (window.miniaudio.referenceCount === 0) { delete window.miniaudio; } } }{ return (navigator.mediaDevices !== undefined && navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia !== undefined); }{ try { var temp = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(); var sampleRate = temp.sampleRate; temp.close(); return sampleRate; } catch(e) { return 0; } }{ var deviceType = $0; var channels = $1; var sampleRate = $2; var bufferSize = $3; var pIntermediaryBuffer = $4; var pDevice = $5; if (typeof(window.miniaudio) === 'undefined') { return -1; } var device = {}; var audioContextOptions = {}; if (deviceType == window.miniaudio.device_type.playback && sampleRate != 0) { audioContextOptions.sampleRate = sampleRate; } device.webaudio = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(audioContextOptions); device.webaudio.suspend(); device.state = window.miniaudio.device_state.stopped; var channelCountIn = 0; var channelCountOut = channels; if (deviceType != window.miniaudio.device_type.playback) { channelCountIn = channels; } device.scriptNode = device.webaudio.createScriptProcessor(bufferSize, channelCountIn, channelCountOut); device.scriptNode.onaudioprocess = function(e) { if (device.intermediaryBufferView == null || device.intermediaryBufferView.length == 0) { device.intermediaryBufferView = new Float32Array(Module.HEAPF32.buffer, pIntermediaryBuffer, bufferSize * channels); } if (deviceType == miniaudio.device_type.capture || deviceType == miniaudio.device_type.duplex) { for (var iChannel = 0; iChannel < channels; iChannel += 1) { var inputBuffer = e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(iChannel); var intermediaryBuffer = device.intermediaryBufferView; for (var iFrame = 0; iFrame < bufferSize; iFrame += 1) { intermediaryBuffer[iFrame*channels + iChannel] = inputBuffer[iFrame]; } } _ma_device_process_pcm_frames_capture__webaudio(pDevice, bufferSize, pIntermediaryBuffer); } if (deviceType == miniaudio.device_type.playback || deviceType == miniaudio.device_type.duplex) { _ma_device_process_pcm_frames_playback__webaudio(pDevice, bufferSize, pIntermediaryBuffer); for (var iChannel = 0; iChannel < e.outputBuffer.numberOfChannels; ++iChannel) { var outputBuffer = e.outputBuffer.getChannelData(iChannel); var intermediaryBuffer = device.intermediaryBufferView; for (var iFrame = 0; iFrame < bufferSize; iFrame += 1) { outputBuffer[iFrame] = intermediaryBuffer[iFrame*channels + iChannel]; } } } else { for (var iChannel = 0; iChannel < e.outputBuffer.numberOfChannels; ++iChannel) { e.outputBuffer.getChannelData(iChannel).fill(0.0); } } }; if (deviceType == miniaudio.device_type.capture || deviceType == miniaudio.device_type.duplex) { navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({audio:true, video:false}) .then(function(stream) { device.streamNode = device.webaudio.createMediaStreamSource(stream); device.streamNode.connect(device.scriptNode); device.scriptNode.connect(device.webaudio.destination); }) .catch(function(error) { console.log("Failed to get user media: " + error); }); } if (deviceType == miniaudio.device_type.playback) { device.scriptNode.connect(device.webaudio.destination); } device.pDevice = pDevice; return miniaudio.track_device(device); }{ return miniaudio.get_device_by_index($0).webaudio.sampleRate; }{ var device = miniaudio.get_device_by_index($0); if (device.scriptNode !== undefined) { device.scriptNode.onaudioprocess = function(e) {}; device.scriptNode.disconnect(); device.scriptNode = undefined; } if (device.streamNode !== undefined) { device.streamNode.disconnect(); device.streamNode = undefined; } device.webaudio.close(); device.webaudio = undefined; device.pDevice = undefined; }{ miniaudio.untrack_device_by_index($0); }{ var device = miniaudio.get_device_by_index($0); device.webaudio.resume(); device.state = miniaudio.device_state.started; }{ var device = miniaudio.get_device_by_index($0); device.webaudio.suspend(); device.state = miniaudio.device_state.stopped; }A 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ma_spatializer_init_preallocatedma_spatializer_get_directionma_spatializer_set_directionma_spatializer_initma_spatializer_uninit!ma_spatializer_process_pcm_framesma_channel_map_apply_f322ma_spatializer_get_relative_position_and_directiong_maChannelPlaneRatios g_maChannelDirections .L.str.56Z,.L__func__.ma_spatializer_process_pcm_frames[""ma_channel_map_get_conversion_pathma_spatializer_get_min_distancema_spatializer_get_max_distancema_spatializer_get_rolloff!ma_spatializer_get_doppler_factorma_spatializer_get_positioningma_spatializer_get_position$ma_spatializer_get_attenuation_modelma_spatializer_get_conema_spatializer_get_min_gainma_spatializer_get_max_gainma_channel_map_get_channel1ma_spatializer_get_directional_attenuation_factorma_spatializer_get_velocity ma_spatializer_set_master_volume 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.L.str.137  .L.str.138  .L.str.139  .L.str.140 .L.str.141 .L.str.142 .L.str.143 .L.str.144 .L.str.145  .L.str.146 .L.str.147 .L.str.148  .L.str.149 .L.str.150 .L.str.151 .L.str.152 .L.str.153 .L.str.154 .L.str.155 .L.str.156 .L.str.157 .L.str.158 .L.str.159 .L.str.160 .L.str.161 .L.str.162 .L.str.163 .L.str.164 .L.str.165 .L.str.166 .L.str.167 .L.str.168  .L.str.169  .L.str.170 .L.str.171 .L.str.172 .L.str.173 .L.str.174 .L.str.175 .L.str.176 .L.str.177 ma_calloc ma_realloc ma_blend_f32ma_data_source_read_pcm_frames+ma_data_source_read_pcm_frames_within_range .L.str.1843).L__func__.ma_data_source_read_pcm_framesma_data_source_is_loopingma_data_source_get_data_format 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_frames.rodata..L.str.187.rodata..L.str.188,.rodata..L__func__.ma_encoder_init__internal.rodata..L.str.189.rodata..L.str.190.rodata..L.str.191.rodata..L.str.192*.rodata..L__func__.drwav_seek_to_pcm_frame.rodata..L.str.193,.rodata..L__func__.drwav_write_pcm_frames_le,.rodata..L__func__.drwav_write_pcm_frames_be.rodata..L.str.194.rodata..L.str.195(.rodata..L__func__.stb_vorbis_seek_frame.rodata..L.str.196.rodata..L.str.197".rodata..L__func__.stb_vorbis_seek.rodata..L.str.198.rodata..L.str.199.rodata..L.str.200.rodata..L.str.201..rodata..L__func__.drmp3_calculate_seek_points.rodata.qoa_quant_tab.rodata.qoa_dequant_tab.rodata..L.str.202.rodata..L.str.203.rodata..L.str.204.rodata..L.str.205.rodata..L.str.206.rodata..L.str.207.rodata..L.str.208.rodata..L.str.209.rodata..L.str.211.rodata..L.str.212.rodata..L.str.213.rodata..L.str.214.rodata..L.str.215.rodata..L.str.216.rodata..L.str.217.rodata..L.str.218.rodata..L.str.219.rodata..L.str.220.rodata..L.str.221.rodata..L.str.222.rodata..L.str.224.rodata..L.str.225.rodata..L.str.226.rodata..L.str.227.rodata..L.str.228.rodata..L.str.229.rodata..L.str.230.rodata..L.str.231.rodata..L.str.232.rodata..L.str.233.rodata..L.str.234.rodata..L.str.235.rodata..L.str.236.rodata..L.str.237.rodata..L.str.238.rodata..L.str.239.rodata..L.str.240.rodata..L.str.241.rodata..L.str.242.rodata..L.str.243.rodata..L.str.244.rodata..L.str.245.rodata..L.str.246.rodata..L.str.247.rodata..L.str.248 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