# await-modify This repository contains a very small program that waits for a modification made to a file given as input. This was made as a fun/learning project and as a result of lack of inotify-tools on windows. ## Installation Clone repo and build with cargo. The program can then be put in path or alias can be made. ```sh cargo build -r # Builds release mode # Alias can be put in bash profile alias await-modify='path/to/repo/target/release/await-modify' # including .exe if windows ``` ## Usage The program will await a modification made to the input file. ```sh await-modify ``` Tip: it can be used to automate builds, tests or other things on file saves. Like compiling latex, markdown, unit tests etc. ```sh # For example, in an exported function, or even hard-coded in a script file. while true; do await-modify "$file" buildtex "$file" # or build code project, unit tests, etc. done ```