# If 'awesome-app dev' is not working with this Awesome.toml, rename or delete it, # and run again 'awesome-app dev' and this file will be generated again. # Note 1: Runners executed in order. Default is blocking except if concurrent = true. # Note 2: end_all_on_exit = true, for concurrent runners tells to end the session if this specific process ends. # Note 3: Eventually, [[runners.build]] will also be available. Splitting the two makes it less convoluted and more flexible. [[dev.runners]] name = "npm_install" cmd = "npm" args = ["install"] [[dev.runners]] name = "tauri_icons" when.no_file_at = "src-tauri/icons/32x32.png" cmd = "npm" args = ["run", "tauri", "icon", "src-tauri/icons/app-icon.png"] [[dev.runners]] name = "cargo_build" working_dir = "src-tauri/" cmd = "cargo" args = ["build"] [[dev.runners]] name = "pcss" cmd = "npm" args = ["run", "pcss", "--", "-w"] concurrent = true # if this process exit, end the dev session end_all_on_exit = true [[dev.runners]] name = "rollup" cmd = "npm" args = ["run", "rollup", "--", "-w"] concurrent = true end_all_on_exit = true [[dev.runners]] name = "localhost" cmd = "npm" args = ["run", "localhost"] concurrent = true end_all_on_exit = true [[dev.runners]] name = "tauri_dev" wait_before = 2000 # wait in ms, before getting called cmd = "npm" args = ["run", "tauri", "dev"] concurrent = true end_all_on_exit = true