= AWS GameLift Server SDK for Rust // URIs: :uri-docs: https://docs.rs/aws-gamelift-server-sdk-rs :img-docs: https://docs.rs/aws-gamelift-server-sdk-rs/badge.svg :uri-build-status: https://github.com/zamazan4ik/aws-gamelift-server-sdk-rs/actions :img-build-status: https://github.com/zamazan4ik/aws-gamelift-server-sdk-rs/workflows/Continuous%20integration/badge.svg :uri-license: https://github.com/zamazan4ik/aws-gamelift-server-sdk-rs/blob/main/LICENSE :img-license: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-blue.svg image:{img-docs}[Docs,link={uri-docs}] image:{img-build-status}[Build Status Badge,link={uri-build-status}] image:{img-license}[License,link={uri-license}] ifdef::env-github[] ++++
++++ endif::[] ifndef::env-github[] image::logo.png[A map, 300, align=center] endif::[] == What An **unofficial** port of AWS GameLift Server SDK for Rust. == How to build 1. Install the latest stable Rust toolchain 2. Checkout this repository and change directory to the root 3. `cargo build` == Compatibility This crate is compatible with **4.0.2** AWS GameLift Server SDK. We support the latest stable Rust version. == Contributing If you find any bug, missed functionality or just want to share any feedback - feel free to open an issue. Will be wonderful, if you create a PR - it makes my life much easier. == Testing You can test the library directly on AWS GameLift service, but it can be too slow and expensive for you. I suggest to you official https://docs.aws.amazon.com/gamelift/latest/developerguide/integration-testing-local.html[AWS GameLift Local]. Unfortunately, for now AWS doesn't provide any official Docker image for the local server, so you can use my https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/zamazan4ik/gamelift_local[Docker image]. The original repo is https://github.com/ZaMaZaN4iK/docker-gamelift-local[here]. Just run your local server and run any application with the SDK (any example is fine too). == Architecture Now there are 2 official AWS GameLift Server SDK versions: C++ and C#. They look pretty similar, but under the hood they work differently. Even versioning is different for them. At the moment of writing this, C++ SDK had **3.4.1** version, C# had **4.0.2** version and they had different Protobuf backward-compatible schema. C++ SDK uses 2 https://socket.io/[Socket.io] connections to the AWS GameLift Server process on a node (this process's name is `AuxProxy`). The first connection is used for sending requests from the SDK to AuxProxy and receiving the answers (request-response pattern). The second connection is used for receiving events from AuxProxy. C# SDK uses another approach. It uses HTTP protocol for implementing request-response pattern and raw WebSocket connection for receiving the events from AuxProxy. Initially this library (AWS GameLift Server SDK in Rust) tried to use the C++ approach with 2 Socket.io connections. Unfortunately, I've failed to implement it properly for several reasons. Request-response pattern with **Socket.io** looks ugly. **Socket.io** library in Rust is too young and unstable from my point of view (I've tried to use https://github.com/1c3t3a/rust-socketio[rust-socketio]). So the way with HTTP + WebSocket was chosen as a primary design - I just like it more, and it was easier for me to properly implement the SDK in this way. If you have any concerns about usability, efficiency or anything else - please let me know! == Protobuf schema AWS GameLift Server SDK uses Protobuf 3 protocol. Unfortunately, AWS doesn't provide officially original Protobuf files yet. So we use reverse-engineered `.proto` files from this repository: https://github.com/dplusic/GameLift-Server-Protobuf[Protobuf schema]. Since the original repo can be outdated, I also maintain my own fork (any help with maintaining is appreciated a lot): https://github.com/ZaMaZaN4iK/GameLift-Server-Protobuf[Another Protobuf schema]. == Notes If you are looking for AWS GameLift SDK (without **Server** word) - this crate is not for you. Please use https://github.com/rusoto/rusoto/tree/master/rusoto/services/gamelift[rusoto], or an official https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust[AWS Rust SDK] (at the moment of writing this GameLift is not supported in this SDK). == Useful links 1. https://forums.awsgametech.com/t/differences-between-c-and-c-aws-gamelift-server-sdk/10812[AWSGAMETECH forum thread] about differences between SDK and semi-official Protobuf schema 2. **Unofficial** https://github.com/dplusic/GameLift-Nodejs-ServerSDK[NodeJS] AWS GameLift Server SDK