[package] name = "aws-sdk-rust" version = "0.1.42" authors = ["Hans Chris Jones"] license = "Apache-2.0" readme = "README.md" keywords = ["aws", "s3"] repository = "https://github.com/lambdastackio/aws-sdk-rust" homepage = "https://github.com/lambdastackio/aws-sdk-rust" documentation = "https://lambdastackio.github.io/aws-sdk-rust/aws_sdk_rust/aws" description = """ Important Enhancements: 1) Supports V2 and V4 API Signatures for third party S3 compliant products like Ceph 2) Works from behind proxies 3) Returned data can be in Rust structs, JSON or XML Works only for S3. Other AWS Storage features are coming soon! """ [dependencies] lsio = "0" chrono = "0.2" httparse = "1" hyper = "0.10" hyper-openssl = "0.2" log = "0.3.6" openssl = "0.9" regex = "0.1" rustc-serialize = "0.3" # Credentials use serde serde = "0.8" serde_json = "0.8" time = "0.1" url = "1.2" xml-rs = "0" [dev-dependencies] # NOTE: term is only used for the example term = "0.4" md5 = "0.3" # Run the example like. It will pull in term and md5 at that time since they are only used for the example: # cargo run --example s3