use std::{env, fmt::Write}; use awto::{ protobuf::{ProtobufField, ProtobufMessage, ProtobufMethod, ProtobufService}, schema::{Model, Role}, }; use heck::SnakeCase; use proc_macro2::TokenStream; use quote::{format_ident, quote}; use crate::util::{is_ty_vec, strip_ty_option}; const COMPILED_PROTO_FILE: &str = "app.proto"; const COMPILED_RUST_FILE: &str = ""; #[cfg(feature = "async")] pub fn compile_protobuf( models: Vec, services: Vec, ) -> Result<(), Box> { use tokio::fs; use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt; let app_config = A::app_config(); let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); if !app_config.compile_protobuf { return Ok(()); } let compiler = ProtobufCompiler::new(models, services); let proto = compiler.compile_file(); let proto_path = format!("{}/{}", out_dir, COMPILED_PROTO_FILE); fs::write(&proto_path, proto + "\n").await?; tonic_build::configure().compile(&[&proto_path], &[&out_dir])?; let generated_code = compiler.compile_generated_code(); if !generated_code.is_empty() { let rs_path = format!("{}/{}", out_dir, COMPILED_RUST_FILE); let mut schema_file = fs::OpenOptions::new().append(true).open(&rs_path).await?; schema_file.write(generated_code.as_bytes()).await?; schema_file.sync_all().await?; } Ok(()) } #[cfg(not(feature = "async"))] pub fn compile_protobuf( models: Vec, services: Vec, ) -> Result<(), Box> { use std::fs; use std::io::Write; let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let compiler = ProtobufCompiler::new(models, services); let proto = compiler.compile_file(); let proto_path = format!("{}/{}", out_dir, COMPILED_PROTO_FILE); fs::write(&proto_path, proto + "\n")?; tonic_build::configure().compile(&[&proto_path], &[&out_dir])?; let generated_code = compiler.compile_generated_code(); if !generated_code.is_empty() { let rs_path = format!("{}/{}", out_dir, COMPILED_RUST_FILE); let mut schema_file = fs::OpenOptions::new().append(true).open(&rs_path)?; write!(schema_file, "{}", generated_code)?; schema_file.sync_all()?; } Ok(()) } /// Compiles a protobuf schema from a slice of [`ProtobufMessage`]s and [`ProtobufService`]s. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// # use awto_compile::protobuf::ProtobufCompiler; /// # use awto::tests_cfg::*; /// # use awto::protobuf::IntoProtobufService; /// let compiler = ProtobufCompiler::new( /// MODELS.to_vec(), /// vec![ProductService::protobuf_service()], /// ); /// let protobuf_file = compiler.compile_file(); /// /// assert_eq!(protobuf_file, r#"syntax = "proto3"; /// /// package app; /// /// import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; /// /// message Product { /// string id = 1; /// google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 2; /// google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 3; /// string name = 4; /// int64 price = 5; /// optional string description = 6; /// } /// /// message ProductId { /// string id = 1; /// } /// /// message ProductList { /// repeated Product products = 1; /// } /// /// message NewProduct { /// string name = 1; /// optional int64 price = 2; /// optional string description = 3; /// } /// /// service ProductService { /// rpc FindProduct(ProductId) returns (ProductList); /// }"#); /// ``` pub struct ProtobufCompiler { models: Vec, services: Vec, } impl ProtobufCompiler { /// Creates a new instance of [`ProtobufCompiler`]. pub fn new(models: Vec, services: Vec) -> ProtobufCompiler { ProtobufCompiler { models, services } } /// Compiles a protobuf file. pub fn compile_file(&self) -> String { let mut proto = String::new(); write!(proto, "{}", self.write_protobuf_header()).unwrap(); writeln!(proto).unwrap(); for message in self.all_protobuf_messages() { writeln!(proto, "{}", self.write_protobuf_message(message)).unwrap(); } for service in & { writeln!(proto, "{}", self.write_protobuf_service(service)).unwrap(); } proto.trim().to_string() } /// Compiles generated Rust code from schemas and services. pub fn compile_generated_code(&self) -> String { let mut code = String::new(); write!( code, r#" pub enum TryFromProtoError {{ InvalidUuid, MissingField(String), }} impl ::std::fmt::Display for TryFromProtoError {{ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), ::std::fmt::Error> {{ match self {{ Self::InvalidUuid => write!(f, "invalid uuid"), Self::MissingField(field) => write!(f, "missing field '{{}}'", field), }} }} }} "# ) .unwrap(); for (model, _) in self.protobuf_messages() { let ident = format_ident!("{}",; let mut from_rust_fields = Vec::new(); let mut from_proto_fields = Vec::new(); for field in &model.fields { let field_ident = format_ident!("{}",; let field_ident_string = &; let ty = strip_ty_option(&field.ty); match ty { "chrono::NaiveDateTime" | "NaiveDateTime" | "chrono::DateTime" | "chrono::DateTime" | "DateTime" | "DateTime" => { from_rust_fields.push(quote!( #field_ident: Some(::prost_types::Timestamp { nanos: val.#field_ident.timestamp_nanos() as i32, seconds: val.#field_ident.timestamp(), }) )); from_proto_fields.push(quote!( #field_ident: { let unwrapped_value = val.#field_ident.ok_or_else(|| TryFromProtoError::MissingField(#field_ident_string.to_string()))?; ::chrono::DateTime::from_utc( ::chrono::naive::NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp( unwrapped_value.seconds, unwrapped_value.nanos as u32 ), ::chrono::FixedOffset::east(0), ) } )); } "uuid::Uuid" | "Uuid" => { from_rust_fields.push(quote!( #field_ident: val.#field_ident.to_string() )); from_proto_fields.push(quote!( #field_ident: ::uuid::Uuid::parse_str(&val.#field_ident).map_err(|_| TryFromProtoError::InvalidUuid)? )); } _ => { if is_ty_vec(ty) { from_rust_fields.push(quote!(#field_ident: val.#field_ident.into_iter().map(|v| v.into()).collect())); from_proto_fields.push(quote!(#field_ident: val.#field_ident.into_iter().map(|v| ::std::convert::TryFrom::try_from(v)).collect::>()?)); } else { from_rust_fields.push(quote!(#field_ident: val.#field_ident.into())); from_proto_fields.push(quote!(#field_ident: val.#field_ident.into())); } } } } let expanded = quote!( impl ::std::convert::TryFrom<#ident> for ::schema::#ident { type Error = TryFromProtoError; #[allow(unused_variables)] fn try_from(val: #ident) -> Result { Ok(Self { #( #from_proto_fields, )* }) } } impl ::std::convert::From<::schema::#ident> for #ident { #[allow(unused_variables)] fn from(val: ::schema::#ident) -> Self { Self { #( #from_rust_fields, )* } } } ); write!(code, "{}", expanded.to_string()).unwrap(); } for service in & { let ident = format_ident!("{}",; let service_path: TokenStream = service.module_path.parse().unwrap(); let service_server_name = format_ident!("{}_server",; let mut methods = Vec::new(); for method in &service.methods { let name_ident = format_ident!("{}",; let param_ident = format_ident!("{}",; let returns_ident = format_ident!("{}",; let expanded_call_method = if method.returns_result { if method.is_async { quote!(self.#name_ident(param).await?) } else { quote!(self.#name_ident(param)?) } } else if method.is_async { quote!(self.#name_ident(param).await) } else { quote!(self.#name_ident(param)) }; methods.push(quote!( async fn #name_ident( &self, request: ::tonic::Request<#param_ident>, ) -> Result<::tonic::Response<#returns_ident>, ::tonic::Status> { let inner = request.into_inner(); let param = ::std::convert::TryInto::try_into(inner).map_err(|err: TryFromProtoError| ::tonic::Status::invalid_argument(err.to_string()))?; let value = #expanded_call_method; Ok(::tonic::Response::new(value.into())) } )); } let expanded = quote!( #[::tonic::async_trait] impl #service_server_name::#ident for #service_path::#ident { #( #methods )* } ); write!(code, "{}", expanded.to_string()).unwrap(); } code.trim().to_string() } fn protobuf_messages(&self) -> Vec<(&Model, &ProtobufMessage)> { self.models.iter().fold(Vec::new(), |mut acc, model| { let roles = model .roles .iter() .filter_map(|role| match role { Role::ProtobufMessage(protobuf_message) => Some((model, protobuf_message)), _ => None, }) .collect::>(); acc.extend(roles); acc }) } fn all_protobuf_messages(&self) -> Vec<&ProtobufMessage> { self.protobuf_messages() .iter() .map(|(_, protobuf_message)| *protobuf_message) .collect() } fn write_protobuf_header(&self) -> String { let mut proto = String::new(); writeln!(proto, r#"syntax = "proto3";"#).unwrap(); writeln!(proto).unwrap(); writeln!(proto, r#"package app;"#).unwrap(); writeln!(proto).unwrap(); writeln!(proto, r#"import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";"#).unwrap(); proto } fn write_protobuf_message(&self, message: &ProtobufMessage) -> String { let mut proto = String::new(); writeln!(proto, "message {} {{",; for (i, field) in message.fields.iter().enumerate() { writeln!(proto, " {}", self.write_protobuf_field(field, i)).unwrap(); } writeln!(proto, "}}").unwrap(); proto } fn write_protobuf_field(&self, field: &ProtobufField, index: usize) -> String { let mut proto = String::new(); if !field.required { write!(proto, "optional ").unwrap(); } write!( proto, "{ty} {name} = {num};", ty = field.ty, name =, num = index + 1 ) .unwrap(); proto } fn write_protobuf_service(&self, service: &ProtobufService) -> String { let mut proto = String::new(); writeln!(proto, "service {} {{",; for method in &service.methods { write!(proto, " {}", self.write_protobuf_method(method)).unwrap(); } writeln!(proto, "}}").unwrap(); proto } fn write_protobuf_method(&self, method: &ProtobufMethod) -> String { let mut proto = String::new(); writeln!( proto, "rpc {name}({param}) returns ({returns});", name =, param =, returns =, ) .unwrap(); proto } }