
A Rust program that visualizes the structure of complex axioms using GPT-4. Give it an axiom and a "depth", and it will generate a summary based on all established sub-axioms and a graph using graphviz. Explore the relationships between axioms and gain new insights with ease. Github

```shell script $ cargo install axiograph $ TOKEN=gho_fooofoofoo axiograph --depth 3 "Why is the banana curved?" ``` ##### Notes: This project isn't powered by OpenAI's GPT-3, but rather by the EvilCorp SecondPilot API, which is a GPT-4-based API supporting developers. ##### Examples: ###### "2-cb" ![img.png](img.png) ###### "14th dalai lama" ![img_1.png](img_1.png) ###### "Unfaithfulness" ![img_2.png](img_2.png) ##### License: This project is licensed under the MIT license.