# Contributing Thanks so much for your interest in contributing to `axoasset`. We are excited about the building a community of contributors to the project. Here's some guiding principles for working with us: **1. File an issue first!** Except for the absolute tiniest of PRs (e.g. a single typo fix), please file an issue before opening a PR. This can help ensure that the problem you are trying to solve and the solution you have in mind will be accepted. Where possible, we don't want folks wasting time on directions we don't want to take the project. **2. Write tests, or at least detailed reproduction steps** If you find a bug, the best way to prioritize getting it fixed is to open a PR with a failing test! If you a opening a bug fix PR, please add a test to show that your fix works. **3. Overcommunicate** In all scenarios, please provide as much context as possible- you may not think it's important but it may be! **4. Patience** Axo is a very small company, it's possible that we may not be able to immediately prioritize your issue. We are excite to develop a community of contributors around this project, but it won't always be on the top of our to-do list, even if we wish it could be. If you haven't heard from us in a while and want to check in, feel free to at-mention @ashleygwilliams- but please be kind while doing so!