use std::env::consts::EXE_SUFFIX; use axoasset::LocalAsset; use axoprocess::Cmd; use camino::{Utf8Path, Utf8PathBuf}; use tempfile::TempDir; static BIN: &str = env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_axoupdater"); static RECEIPT_TEMPLATE: &str = r#"{"binaries":["axolotlsay"],"install_prefix":"INSTALL_PREFIX","provider":{"source":"cargo-dist","version":"CARGO_DIST_VERSION"},"source":{"app_name":"axolotlsay","name":"cargodisttest","owner":"mistydemeo","release_type":"github"},"version":"VERSION"}"#; // Handle aarch64 later fn triple() -> String { match std::env::consts::OS { "windows" => "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc".to_owned(), "macos" => { if std::env::consts::ARCH == "x86_64" { "x86_64-apple-darwin".to_owned() } else { "aarch64-apple-darwin".to_owned() } } "linux" => { if std::env::consts::ARCH == "x86_64" { "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu".to_owned() } else { "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu".to_owned() } } _ => unimplemented!(), } } fn axolotlsay_tarball_path(version: &str) -> String { let triple = triple(); format!("{version}/axolotlsay-{triple}.tar.gz") } fn install_receipt(version: &str, cargo_dist_version: &str, prefix: &Utf8PathBuf) -> String { RECEIPT_TEMPLATE .replace("INSTALL_PREFIX", &prefix.to_string().replace('\\', "\\\\")) .replace("CARGO_DIST_VERSION", cargo_dist_version) .replace("VERSION", version) } fn write_receipt( version: &str, cargo_dist_version: &str, receipt_prefix: &Utf8PathBuf, install_prefix: &Utf8PathBuf, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { // Create the prefix in case it doesn't exist LocalAsset::create_dir_all(receipt_prefix).unwrap(); let contents = install_receipt(version, cargo_dist_version, install_prefix); let receipt_name = receipt_prefix.join("axolotlsay-receipt.json"); LocalAsset::write_new(&contents, receipt_name).unwrap(); Ok(()) } #[test] fn bails_out_with_default_name() { let mut command = Cmd::new(BIN, "execute axoupdater"); command.check(false); let result = command.output().unwrap(); assert!(!result.status.success()); let stderr_string = String::from_utf8(result.stderr).unwrap(); assert!(stderr_string.contains("App name calculated as `axoupdater'")); } // Performs an in-place upgrade from an old version to a newer one. // The process runs like so: // * Simulate an install of axolotlsay into a temporary directory // * Write an install receipt to that path // * Copy this repo's copy of axoupdater into the temporary directory in place of the one that axolotlsay once came with // * Run axoupdater // * Confirm that the new binary exists and is a newer version than the one we had before // // NOTE: axolotlsay 0.2.115 is a good base version to use because it contains a // several noteworthy bugfixes in its installer. #[test] fn test_upgrade() -> std::io::Result<()> { let tempdir = TempDir::new()?; let bindir_path = &tempdir.path().join("bin"); let bindir = Utf8Path::from_path(bindir_path).unwrap(); std::fs::create_dir_all(bindir)?; let base_version = "0.2.115"; let url = axolotlsay_tarball_path(base_version); let compressed_path = Utf8PathBuf::from_path_buf(tempdir.path().join("axolotlsay.tar.gz")).unwrap(); let client = axoasset::AxoClient::with_reqwest(axoasset::reqwest::Client::new()); let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap(); rt.block_on(client.load_and_write_to_file(&url, &compressed_path)) .unwrap(); // Write the receipt for the updater to use write_receipt( base_version, "0.11.1", &bindir.to_path_buf(), &bindir.to_path_buf(), )?; LocalAsset::untar_gz_all(&compressed_path, bindir).unwrap(); // Now install our copy of the updater instead of the one axolotlsay came with let updater_path = bindir.join(format!("axolotlsay-update{EXE_SUFFIX}")); std::fs::copy(BIN, &updater_path)?; let mut updater = Cmd::new(&updater_path, "run updater"); updater.env("AXOUPDATER_CONFIG_PATH", bindir); // If we're not running in CI, try to avoid ruining the user's PATH. if std::env::var("CI").is_err() { updater.env("INSTALLER_NO_MODIFY_PATH", "1"); updater.env("AXOLOTLSAY_NO_MODIFY_PATH", "1"); } // We'll do that manually updater.check(false); let res = updater.output().unwrap(); let output_stdout = String::from_utf8(res.stdout).unwrap(); let output_stderr = String::from_utf8(res.stderr).unwrap(); // Now let's check the version we just updated to let new_axolotlsay_path = &bindir.join(format!("axolotlsay{EXE_SUFFIX}")); assert!( new_axolotlsay_path.exists(), "update result was\nstdout\n{}\nstderr\n{}", output_stdout, output_stderr ); let mut new_axolotlsay = Cmd::new(new_axolotlsay_path, "version test"); new_axolotlsay.arg("--version"); let output = new_axolotlsay.output().unwrap(); let stderr_string = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap(); assert!(stderr_string.starts_with("axolotlsay ")); assert_ne!(stderr_string, format!("axolotlsay {}\n", base_version)); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_upgrade_xdg_config_home() -> std::io::Result<()> { let tempdir = TempDir::new()?; let bindir_path = &tempdir.path().join("bin"); let bindir = Utf8Path::from_path(bindir_path).unwrap(); std::fs::create_dir_all(bindir)?; let xdg_config_home = tempdir.path().join("config"); let xdg_config_home = Utf8Path::from_path(&xdg_config_home).unwrap(); let base_version = "0.2.115"; let url = axolotlsay_tarball_path(base_version); let compressed_path = Utf8PathBuf::from_path_buf(tempdir.path().join("axolotlsay.tar.gz")).unwrap(); let client = axoasset::AxoClient::with_reqwest(axoasset::reqwest::Client::new()); let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap(); rt.block_on(client.load_and_write_to_file(&url, &compressed_path)) .unwrap(); // Write the receipt for the updater to use write_receipt( base_version, "0.11.1", &xdg_config_home.join("axolotlsay"), &bindir.to_path_buf(), )?; LocalAsset::untar_gz_all(&compressed_path, bindir).unwrap(); // Now install our copy of the updater instead of the one axolotlsay came with let updater_path = bindir.join(format!("axolotlsay-update{EXE_SUFFIX}")); std::fs::copy(BIN, &updater_path)?; let mut updater = Cmd::new(&updater_path, "run updater"); updater.env("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", xdg_config_home); // If we're not running in CI, try to avoid ruining the user's PATH. if std::env::var("CI").is_err() { updater.env("INSTALLER_NO_MODIFY_PATH", "1"); updater.env("AXOLOTLSAY_NO_MODIFY_PATH", "1"); } // We'll do that manually updater.check(false); let res = updater.output().unwrap(); let output_stdout = String::from_utf8(res.stdout).unwrap(); let output_stderr = String::from_utf8(res.stderr).unwrap(); // Now let's check the version we just updated to let new_axolotlsay_path = &bindir.join(format!("axolotlsay{EXE_SUFFIX}")); assert!( new_axolotlsay_path.exists(), "update result was\nstdout\n{}\nstderr\n{}", output_stdout, output_stderr ); let mut new_axolotlsay = Cmd::new(new_axolotlsay_path, "version test"); new_axolotlsay.arg("--version"); let output = new_axolotlsay.output().unwrap(); let stderr_string = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap(); assert!(stderr_string.starts_with("axolotlsay ")); assert_ne!(stderr_string, format!("axolotlsay {}\n", base_version)); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_upgrade_allow_prerelease() -> std::io::Result<()> { let tempdir = TempDir::new()?; let bindir_path = &tempdir.path().join("bin"); let bindir = Utf8Path::from_path(bindir_path).unwrap(); std::fs::create_dir_all(bindir)?; let base_version = "0.2.115"; let url = axolotlsay_tarball_path(base_version); let compressed_path = Utf8PathBuf::from_path_buf(tempdir.path().join("axolotlsay.tar.gz")).unwrap(); let client = axoasset::AxoClient::with_reqwest(axoasset::reqwest::Client::new()); let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap(); rt.block_on(client.load_and_write_to_file(&url, &compressed_path)) .unwrap(); // Write the receipt for the updater to use write_receipt( base_version, "0.11.1", &bindir.to_path_buf(), &bindir.to_path_buf(), )?; LocalAsset::untar_gz_all(&compressed_path, bindir).unwrap(); // Now install our copy of the updater instead of the one axolotlsay came with let updater_path = bindir.join(format!("axolotlsay-update{EXE_SUFFIX}")); std::fs::copy(BIN, &updater_path)?; let mut updater = Cmd::new(&updater_path, "run updater"); // If we're not running in CI, try to avoid ruining the user's PATH. if std::env::var("CI").is_err() { updater.env("INSTALLER_NO_MODIFY_PATH", "1"); updater.env("AXOLOTLSAY_NO_MODIFY_PATH", "1"); } updater.env("AXOUPDATER_CONFIG_PATH", bindir); updater.arg("--prerelease"); // We'll do that manually updater.check(false); let res = updater.output().unwrap(); let output_stdout = String::from_utf8(res.stdout).unwrap(); let output_stderr = String::from_utf8(res.stderr).unwrap(); // Now let's check the version we just updated to let new_axolotlsay_path = &bindir.join(format!("axolotlsay{EXE_SUFFIX}")); assert!( new_axolotlsay_path.exists(), "update result was\nstdout\n{}\nstderr\n{}", output_stdout, output_stderr ); let mut new_axolotlsay = Cmd::new(new_axolotlsay_path, "version test"); new_axolotlsay.arg("--version"); let output = new_axolotlsay.output().unwrap(); let stderr_string = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap(); assert!(stderr_string.starts_with("axolotlsay ")); assert_ne!(stderr_string, format!("axolotlsay {}\n", base_version)); Ok(()) } // A similar test to the one above, but it upgrades to a specific version // instead of whatever's latest. #[test] fn test_upgrade_to_specific_version() -> std::io::Result<()> { let tempdir = TempDir::new()?; let bindir_path = &tempdir.path().join("bin"); let bindir = Utf8Path::from_path(bindir_path).unwrap(); std::fs::create_dir_all(bindir)?; let base_version = "0.2.115"; let target_version = "0.2.116"; let url = axolotlsay_tarball_path(base_version); let compressed_path = Utf8PathBuf::from_path_buf(tempdir.path().join("axolotlsay.tar.gz")).unwrap(); let client = axoasset::AxoClient::with_reqwest(axoasset::reqwest::Client::new()); let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap(); rt.block_on(client.load_and_write_to_file(&url, &compressed_path)) .unwrap(); // Write the receipt for the updater to use write_receipt( base_version, "0.11.1", &bindir.to_path_buf(), &bindir.to_path_buf(), )?; LocalAsset::untar_gz_all(&compressed_path, bindir).unwrap(); // Now install our copy of the updater instead of the one axolotlsay came with let updater_path = bindir.join(format!("axolotlsay-update{EXE_SUFFIX}")); std::fs::copy(BIN, &updater_path)?; let mut updater = Cmd::new(&updater_path, "run updater"); updater.arg("--version").arg(target_version); updater.env("AXOUPDATER_CONFIG_PATH", bindir); // If we're not running in CI, try to avoid ruining the user's PATH. if std::env::var("CI").is_err() { updater.env("INSTALLER_NO_MODIFY_PATH", "1"); updater.env("AXOLOTLSAY_NO_MODIFY_PATH", "1"); } // We'll do that manually updater.check(false); let _res = updater.output().unwrap(); // Now let's check the version we just updated to let new_axolotlsay_path = &bindir.join(format!("axolotlsay{EXE_SUFFIX}")); assert!(new_axolotlsay_path.exists()); let mut new_axolotlsay = Cmd::new(new_axolotlsay_path, "version test"); new_axolotlsay.arg("--version"); let output = new_axolotlsay.output().unwrap(); let stderr_string = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap(); assert_eq!(stderr_string, format!("axolotlsay {}\n", target_version)); Ok(()) } // A similar test to the one above, but it actually downgrades to an older // version on request instead of upgrading. #[test] fn test_downgrade_to_specific_version() -> std::io::Result<()> { let tempdir = TempDir::new()?; let bindir_path = &tempdir.path().join("bin"); let bindir = Utf8Path::from_path(bindir_path).unwrap(); std::fs::create_dir_all(bindir)?; let base_version = "0.2.116"; let target_version = "0.2.115"; let url = axolotlsay_tarball_path(base_version); let compressed_path = Utf8PathBuf::from_path_buf(tempdir.path().join("axolotlsay.tar.gz")).unwrap(); let client = axoasset::AxoClient::with_reqwest(axoasset::reqwest::Client::new()); let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap(); rt.block_on(client.load_and_write_to_file(&url, &compressed_path)) .unwrap(); // Write the receipt for the updater to use write_receipt( base_version, "0.11.1", &bindir.to_path_buf(), &bindir.to_path_buf(), )?; LocalAsset::untar_gz_all(&compressed_path, bindir).unwrap(); // Now install our copy of the updater instead of the one axolotlsay came with let updater_path = bindir.join(format!("axolotlsay-update{EXE_SUFFIX}")); std::fs::copy(BIN, &updater_path)?; let mut updater = Cmd::new(&updater_path, "run updater"); updater.arg("--version").arg(target_version); updater.env("AXOUPDATER_CONFIG_PATH", bindir); // If we're not running in CI, try to avoid ruining the user's PATH. if std::env::var("CI").is_err() { updater.env("INSTALLER_NO_MODIFY_PATH", "1"); updater.env("AXOLOTLSAY_NO_MODIFY_PATH", "1"); } // We'll do that manually updater.check(false); let _res = updater.output().unwrap(); // Now let's check the version we just updated to let new_axolotlsay_path = &bindir.join(format!("axolotlsay{EXE_SUFFIX}")); assert!(new_axolotlsay_path.exists()); let mut new_axolotlsay = Cmd::new(new_axolotlsay_path, "version test"); new_axolotlsay.arg("--version"); let output = new_axolotlsay.output().unwrap(); let stderr_string = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap(); assert_eq!(stderr_string, format!("axolotlsay {}\n", target_version)); Ok(()) } // A similar test to the one above, but it upgrades to a significantly older // version that's outside the GitHub API's 30 versions. // This version isn't available for every target, so we only run it for // certain target triples. #[test] fn test_downgrade_to_specific_old_version() -> std::io::Result<()> { // Only available for x86_64 Darwin and x86_64 Linux match std::env::consts::OS { "linux" | "macos" => { if std::env::consts::ARCH != "x86_64" { return Ok(()); } } "windows" => return Ok(()), _ => return Ok(()), } let tempdir = TempDir::new()?; let bindir_path = &tempdir.path().join("bin"); let bindir = Utf8Path::from_path(bindir_path).unwrap(); std::fs::create_dir_all(bindir)?; let base_version = "0.2.116"; let target_version = "0.2.50"; let url = axolotlsay_tarball_path(base_version); let compressed_path = Utf8PathBuf::from_path_buf(tempdir.path().join("axolotlsay.tar.gz")).unwrap(); let client = axoasset::AxoClient::with_reqwest(axoasset::reqwest::Client::new()); let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap(); rt.block_on(client.load_and_write_to_file(&url, &compressed_path)) .unwrap(); // Write the receipt for the updater to use write_receipt( base_version, "0.11.1", &bindir.to_path_buf(), &bindir.to_path_buf(), )?; LocalAsset::untar_gz_all(&compressed_path, bindir).unwrap(); // Now install our copy of the updater instead of the one axolotlsay came with let updater_path = bindir.join(format!("axolotlsay-update{EXE_SUFFIX}")); std::fs::copy(BIN, &updater_path)?; let mut updater = Cmd::new(&updater_path, "run updater"); updater.arg("--version").arg(target_version); updater.env("AXOUPDATER_CONFIG_PATH", bindir); // If we're not running in CI, try to avoid ruining the user's PATH. if std::env::var("CI").is_err() { updater.env("INSTALLER_NO_MODIFY_PATH", "1"); updater.env("AXOLOTLSAY_NO_MODIFY_PATH", "1"); } // This installer is so old it doesn't respect the install path, so we // have to set CARGO_HOME to force it. updater.env("CARGO_HOME", tempdir.path()); // We'll do that manually updater.check(false); let _res = updater.output().unwrap(); // Now let's check the version we just updated to let new_axolotlsay_path = &bindir.join(format!("axolotlsay{EXE_SUFFIX}")); assert!(new_axolotlsay_path.exists()); let mut new_axolotlsay = Cmd::new(new_axolotlsay_path, "version test"); new_axolotlsay.arg("--version"); let output = new_axolotlsay.output().unwrap(); let stderr_string = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap(); assert_eq!(stderr_string, format!("axolotlsay {}\n", target_version)); Ok(()) } // Similar to `test_upgrade` but tests releases created after the // cargo-dist receipt prefix bug was fixed; see: // #[test] fn test_upgrade_from_prefix_with_no_bin() -> std::io::Result<()> { let tempdir = TempDir::new()?; let prefix = Utf8PathBuf::from_path_buf(tempdir.path().to_path_buf()).unwrap(); let bindir_path = &tempdir.path().join("bin"); let bindir = Utf8Path::from_path(bindir_path).unwrap(); std::fs::create_dir_all(bindir)?; // The first cargodisttest release with the "/bin" bug fixed let base_version = "0.2.133"; let url = axolotlsay_tarball_path(base_version); let compressed_path = Utf8PathBuf::from_path_buf(tempdir.path().join("axolotlsay.tar.gz")).unwrap(); let client = axoasset::AxoClient::with_reqwest(axoasset::reqwest::Client::new()); let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap(); rt.block_on(client.load_and_write_to_file(&url, &compressed_path)) .unwrap(); // Write the receipt for the updater to use // 0.15.0 is the first cargo-dist that published fixed installers for the // /bin bug mentioned above write_receipt(base_version, "0.15.0", &prefix, &prefix)?; LocalAsset::untar_gz_all(&compressed_path, bindir).unwrap(); // Now install our copy of the updater instead of the one axolotlsay came with let updater_path = bindir.join(format!("axolotlsay-update{EXE_SUFFIX}")); std::fs::copy(BIN, &updater_path)?; let mut updater = Cmd::new(&updater_path, "run updater"); updater.env("AXOUPDATER_CONFIG_PATH", prefix); // If we're not running in CI, try to avoid ruining the user's PATH. if std::env::var("CI").is_err() { updater.env("INSTALLER_NO_MODIFY_PATH", "1"); updater.env("AXOLOTLSAY_NO_MODIFY_PATH", "1"); } // We'll do that manually updater.check(false); let res = updater.output().unwrap(); let output_stdout = String::from_utf8(res.stdout).unwrap(); let output_stderr = String::from_utf8(res.stderr).unwrap(); // Now let's check the version we just updated to let new_axolotlsay_path = &bindir.join(format!("axolotlsay{EXE_SUFFIX}")); assert!( new_axolotlsay_path.exists(), "update result was\nstdout\n{}\nstderr\n{}", output_stdout, output_stderr ); let mut new_axolotlsay = Cmd::new(new_axolotlsay_path, "version test"); new_axolotlsay.arg("--version"); let output = new_axolotlsay.output().unwrap(); let stderr_string = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap(); assert!(stderr_string.starts_with("axolotlsay ")); assert_ne!(stderr_string, format!("axolotlsay {}\n", base_version)); Ok(()) }