Axum Route Error

A common error response for Axum routes

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This exists to encapsulate a number of common patterns when returning errors from Axum routes. These patterns include: - wanting to return error responses as a JSON object - to automatically convert errors raised in the route hander into that standardised JSON response - provide appropriate default error messages for public use, which takes into account the status code in use - a need to optionally add extra data to the error JSON output ## A basic tutorial Below is a mock example route to download a User object: ```rust use ::axum::extract::State; use ::axum_route_error::RouteError; use ::sea_orm::DatabaseConnection; pub async fn route_get_user( State(ref db): State, Path(username): Path ) -> Result { // If this errors, then a `RouteError::new_internal_server()` is returned. let user = get_user_from_database(db, &username).await?; Ok(user) } ``` If the `get_user_from_database` function returns an error, then the handler will return a Response. The Response will have a 500 status code (for an internal error), and return the following output: ```json { "error": "An unexpected error occurred" } ``` ### Different `RouteError` types Let's presume `get_user_from_database` returns a `Result`. We want to return a 500 if it returns an error (like above), and change the code to return a 404 if the user is not found. ```rust use ::axum::extract::State; use ::axum_route_error::RouteError; use ::sea_orm::DatabaseConnection; pub async fn route_get_user( State(ref db): State, Path(username): Path ) -> Result { let user = get_user_from_database(db, &username).await? // This additional line will return a 404 if the user is not found. .ok_or_else(|| RouteError::new_not_found())?; Ok(user) } ``` If the user is not found (`get_user_from_database` returns `None`), then this will return a 404 Response with the following JSON: ```json { "error": "The resource was not found" } ``` ## Adding additional error data Next let's add extra information to the error. Something more than just an error message. This can be done by making a new type that serializes using Serde, and then adding this to the `RouteError`. ```rust use ::axum::extract::State; use ::axum_route_error::RouteError; use ::sea_orm::DatabaseConnection; use ::serde::Deserialize; use ::serde::Serialize; // The additional error information needs to derive these three traits. #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)] pub struct UserErrorInformation { pub username: String } pub async fn route_get_user( State(ref db): State, Path(username): Path // The `RouteError` needs the additional data marked here ) -> Result> { let user = get_user_from_database(db, &username).await? .ok_or_else(move || { // Then you can add the data through method chaining RouteError::new_not_found() .set_error_data(UserErrorInformation { username, }) })?; Ok(user) } ``` If the user is not found (`get_user_from_database` returns `None`), then this will return a 404 Response with the following JSON: ```json { "error": "The resource was not found", "username": "" } ``` ## Making Internal Errors public Sometimes you *want* to make internal errors public, such as for internal services. For this you can use the `RouteInternalError`. It's identical, but adds adds `internal_error` information to the response.