use axum::{ error_handling::HandleErrorLayer, http::StatusCode, response::{Html, IntoResponse}, routing::get, Router, }; use axum_token_auth::{AuthConfig, SessionKey, TokenConfig}; async fn handle_auth_error(err: tower::BoxError) -> (StatusCode, &'static str) { match err.downcast::() { Ok(err) => { eprintln!( "Validation error(s): {:?}", err.errors().collect::>() ); (StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED, "Request is not authorized") } Err(orig_err) => { eprintln!("Unhandled internal error: {orig_err}"); (StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "internal server error") } } } async fn user_handler(session_key: SessionKey) -> impl IntoResponse { session_key.is_present(); Html(format!("hello {:?} index", session_key)) } fn expand_unspecified(ip: std::net::IpAddr) -> anyhow::Result> { if ip.is_unspecified() { // Get all interfaces if IP is unspecified. Ok(if_addrs::get_if_addrs()? .iter() .filter_map(|x| { let this_ip = x.addr.ip(); // Take only IP addresses from correct family. if ip.is_ipv4() == this_ip.is_ipv4() { Some(this_ip) } else { None } }) .collect()) } else { Ok(vec![ip]) } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { // listen globally on port 3000 let http_server_addr = std::net::ToSocketAddrs::to_socket_addrs("")? .next() .unwrap(); println!("Listening at {http_server_addr}"); // A long lived encryption key which is used to encode and decode the // cookies stored by the client. Typically this would be persisted across // program invocations. let persistent_secret = cookie::Key::generate(); // Setup our config let token = TokenConfig::new_token("token"); let cfg = AuthConfig { token_config: Some(token.clone()), persistent_secret, ..Default::default() }; // Setup auth layer let auth_layer = cfg.into_layer(); // This is the secret that gets communicated out-of-band to enable initial // authentication. This should be frequently regenerated. Upon successful // authentication with this token, the auth middleware sets an encrypted // cookie in the response which enables subsequent authentications without // the token. println!("Access token {}", token.value); // Display where we are listening. { let ip_addrs = expand_unspecified(http_server_addr.ip())?; println!("Predicted URL(s):"); for ip in ip_addrs.into_iter() { let addr = std::net::SocketAddr::new(ip, http_server_addr.port()); println!(" * http://{}/?{}={}", addr,, token.value); } } // Build our application with a single route. let app = Router::new() .route( "/", get(|| async { Html("Hello, World! user") }), ) .route("/user", get(user_handler)) .layer( tower::ServiceBuilder::new() // `auth_layer` will produce an error if the request cannot be authorized // so we must handle that. .layer(HandleErrorLayer::new(handle_auth_error)) .layer(auth_layer), ); // run our app let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(http_server_addr).await?; axum::serve(listener, app).await?; Ok(()) }