# axum-tws
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`axum-tws` is an alternative WebSocket extractor for __[axum](https://github.com/tokio-rs/axum)__ using __[tokio-websockets](https://github.com/Gelbpunkt/tokio-websockets/)__ as the underlying WebSocket library instead of `tungstenite`. It is not a complete drop-in replacement and has no intention to be one. While your upgrade handler will look the same, working with `Message` types in `tokio-websockets` is slightly different from `tungstenite`. Please refer to the __[tokio-websockets documentation](https://docs.rs/tokio-websockets/latest/tokio_websockets/)__ for detailed information, or take a look at the example below. Much of the code has been ported directly from the __[axum::extract::ws module](https://docs.rs/axum/latest/axum/extract/ws/index.html)__ - all credit goes to the original authors. ## Getting Started Run `cargo add axum-tws` to add the library to your project. ## Echo Server Example ```rust use axum::{response::Response, routing::get, Router}; use axum_tws::{Message, WebSocket, WebSocketUpgrade}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await?; axum::serve(listener, Router::new().route("/ws", get(handle_upgrade))).await?; Ok(()) } async fn handle_upgrade(ws: WebSocketUpgrade) -> Response { ws.on_upgrade({ move |socket| async { if let Err(e) = handle_ws(socket).await { println!("websocket error: {:?}", e); } } }) } async fn handle_ws(mut socket: WebSocket) -> Result<(), Box> { while let Some(Ok(msg)) = socket.recv().await { if msg.is_text() { socket.send(msg).await?; } } Ok(()) } ``` ## Contributing Contributions are always welcome! If you have an idea for a feature or find a bug, let me know. PR's are appreciated, but if it's not a small change, please open an issue first so we're all on the same page! ## License `axum-tws` is dual-licensed under either - **[MIT License](/LICENSE-MIT)** - **[Apache License, Version 2.0](/LICENSE-APACHE)** at your option.