# axum_cli ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/language-Rust-red) ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/version-0.3.0-brightgreen) [![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)](https://github.com/myyrakle/axum_cli/blob/master/LICENSE) You can install it like this: ``` cargo install axum_cli ``` ## generate project If generator is installed, you can create axum project template as follows. ``` axum new first_project ``` If you want to organize your project in the current directory, use the init command. ``` axum init first_project ``` ## add router If you want to add a new router that implements CRUD templates, run the following command in the root path of your project. ``` axum router new ``` ## add middleware If you want to add a new middleware, run the following command in the root path of your project. ``` axum middleware new ```