## create `$ create ` Create an empty workspace with name ``. ## list `$ list` Lists all workspaces. ## delete `> delete ` Deletes workspace with name ``. `> delete --all` Delete all workspaces and embedded documents. ## import `> import --source zotero|folder|item ` Import data from Zotero, folder or item to workspace with name `-`. e.g. `ayda import --source-type folder /Users/richardlyon/InterestingDocs` ## chat `> chat ` Chat with workspace ``. Chat uses Large Language Model general knowledge together with the documents in the workspace to produce output, and rolling chat history. To change mode, type `/query`. To exit, type `/exit`. ## query `> query ` Query workspace ``. Querying does not use the Large Language Model unless there are relevant sources and does not recall chat history. To change mode, type `/chat`. To exit, type `/exit`. ## zotero `> zotero enhance ` Enhance abstracts and keywords for all items in collection ``. This uses the Large Language Model to generate abstracts and keywords for each item. **Note: This command modfies the metadata of the items in your Zotero collection and cannot be undone. Use with caution.** ## config `> config` Configure the application.