# AYS - Are You Sure? ## About AYS `ays` (Are You Sure?) is small command line application that asks the user for confirmation before piping its `stdin` into its `stdout`. If the user does not successfully confirm, `ays` writes `EOF` to its `stdout`. `ays` is a great utility when defining shell aliases that you'd like to have a user confirmation before proceeding: ![ays](./docs/ays.gif) I've personally found that `ays` is a great companion for `fzf`, but I'm pretty sure people will find other really interesting use cases. See some of my personal use cases down below. ## Install ``` cargo install ays ``` ## Usage ``` ays [--preview] ["alternative prompt"] ``` If you'd like `ays` to use a different prompt message than the default "Are you sure?", you can specify it as its parameter (`ays` will append the closing question mark itself). - `--preview`: buffer the contents of the stdin and display it back to the user ## Examples ### Deleting git branches locally checked out ``` alias gbd="git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/heads/ | fzf --height=~20 | ays | xargs git branch -D" ```