# azul-simplecss Fork of https://github.com/RazrFalcon/simplecss (because lack of maintainer). Added `@rules` + better parsing on top of original parser. ----aa A very simple streaming parser/tokenizer for [CSS 2.1](https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/) data format without heap allocations. Since it's very simple we will start with limitations: ## Limitations - [At-rules](https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#at-rules) are not supported. `@import`, `@media`, etc. will lead to a parsing error. - The ident token must be ASCII only. CSS like `#аттр { имя:значение }` will lead to a parsing error. - Property values are not parsed. In CSS like `* { width: 5px }` you will get `width` property with `5px` values as a string. - Attribute selector rule is not parsed. `[foo~="warning"]` will be parsed as `Token::AttributeSelector("foo~=\"warning\"")`. - There are no data validation. - Pseudo-class tokens can contain any text, language pseudo-class can contain any text or even none. - Declarations can contain any kind of names and values. - All comments will be ignored. They didn't have it's own `Token` item. - CDO/CDC comments are not supported. - Parser is case sensitive. All keywords should be lowercase. - Unicode escape, like `\26`, is not supported. - No spec-defined error handling. If something will go wrong you will get an error. Parser will not recover an invalid input. [Details](https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#rule-sets). ## Where to use `simplecss` can be useful for parsing a very simple or predefined CSS. It's tiny, dependency free and pretty fast. ## Examples Simple ```text * { color : red } | | | || | | | |+- Token::EndOfStream | | | +- Token::BlockEnd | | +- Token::Declaration("color", "red") | +- Token::BlockStart +- Token::UniversalSelector ``` Complex ```text div#x:first-letter em[id] + .hh1 { color : red } | | | || | | | | | || | | | || | | | | | |+- Token::EndOfStream | | | || | | | | | +- Token::BlockEnd | | | || | | | | +- Token::Declaration("color", "red") | | | || | | | +- Token::BlockStart | | | || | | +- Token::ClassSelector("hh1") | | | || | +- Token::Combinator(Combinator::Plus) | | | || +- Token::AttributeSelector("id") | | | |+- Token::TypeSelector("em") | | | +- Token::Combinator(Combinator::Space) | | +- Token::PseudoClass("first-letter") | +- Token::IdSelector("x") +- Token::TypeSelector("div") ```