## Azure Storage CLI A CLI to interact with Azure Storage services ``` Usage: azs Commands: account Interact with the storage account container Interact with storage containers (and blobs) queues Interact with storage queues datalake Interact with storage datalakes tables Interact with data tables Arguments: Storage account name [env: STORAGE_ACCOUNT] Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ### azs account ``` Interact with the storage account Usage: account Commands: info Get information about the storage account list-containers List the storage containers in the account Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` #### azs account info ``` Get information about the storage account Usage: info Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` #### azs account list-containers ``` List the storage containers in the account The output of this command is serialized to JSON unless the `show_details` flag is set Usage: list-containers [OPTIONS] Options: --prefix --include-metadata --include-deleted --max-results --show-details -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version ``` #### azs container ``` Interact with storage containers (and blobs) Usage: container Commands: create Create a storage container properties Get properties for a storage container delete Delete a storage container list List blobs in a storage container blob Interact with a blob within a storage container generate-sas Generate a SAS URL for a storage container using the User Deligation Key acquire-lease Acquire a lease on a storage container break-lease Acquire a lease on a storage container lease-release lease-renew Arguments: container name Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ##### azs container create ``` Create a storage container Usage: create [OPTIONS] Options: --public-access public access level --metadata -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ##### azs container properties ``` Get properties for a storage container Usage: properties [OPTIONS] Options: --lease-id lease id -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ##### azs container delete ``` Delete a storage container Usage: delete [OPTIONS] Options: --lease-id lease id -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ##### azs container list ``` List blobs in a storage container The output of this command is serialized to JSON unless the `show_details` flag is set Usage: list [OPTIONS] Options: --prefix only include blobs with the specified prefix --delimiter only include blobs with the specified delimiter --max-results max results to return --include-snapshots --include-metadata --include-uncommitted-blobs --include-copy --include-deleted --include-tags --include-versions --show-details -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs container blob ``` Interact with a blob within a storage container Usage: blob Commands: get Get the contents of a blob get-properties Get properties of a blob delete Delete a blob delete-version-id Delete the blob at a specific version delete-snapsot Delete the blob at a specific version put-append-blob Create a new "append blob" with the contents of the specified file append-block Append the contents of the specified file to an existing "append blob" blob create-block-blob Create a "block blob" with the contents of the specified file create-page-blob Create a "page blob" with the contents of the specified file generate-sas Generate a SAS URL for the Blob using a User Deligation Key get-tags Get the tags on the blob set-tags Set the tags on the blob snapshot Create a snapshot of the blob set-blob-tier Set the access tier on the blob Arguments: blob name Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs container blob get ``` Get the contents of a blob Usage: get [OPTIONS] [DESTINATION] Arguments: [DESTINATION] Where should the contents of the file be written (otherwise, written to STDOUT) Options: --lease-id --chunk-size --if-tags -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs container blob get-properties ``` Get properties of a blob Usage: get-properties [OPTIONS] Options: --lease-id --if-tags -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs container blob delete ``` Delete a blob Usage: delete [OPTIONS] Options: --lease-id --if-tags --delete-snapshots-method -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs container blob delete-version-id ``` Delete the blob at a specific version Usage: delete-version-id [OPTIONS] Arguments: Options: --lease-id --permanent -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs container blob delete-snapsot ``` Delete the blob at a specific version Usage: delete-snapsot [OPTIONS] Arguments: Options: --lease-id --permanent -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs container blob put-append-blob ``` Create a new "append blob" with the contents of the specified file Usage: put-append-blob [OPTIONS] Options: --content-type --content-encoding --content-language --content-disposition --tags --metadata -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs container blob append-block ``` Append the contents of the specified file to an existing "append blob" blob Usage: append-block [OPTIONS] Arguments: Options: --condition-max-size --condition-append-position --if-tags --lease-id -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs container blob create-block-blob ``` Create a "block blob" with the contents of the specified file Usage: create-block-blob [OPTIONS] Arguments: Options: --upload-block-size Upload the file in blocks of this size --buffer-size How much to buffer in memory while uploading --content-type --content-encoding --content-language --content-disposition --tags --metadata --if-tags --lease-id --access-tier -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs container blob create-page-blob ``` Create a "page blob" with the contents of the specified file Usage: create-page-blob [OPTIONS] Arguments: Options: --content-type --content-encoding --content-language --content-disposition --tags --metadata --lease-id --sequence-number --upload-block-size -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs container blob generate-sas ``` Generate a SAS URL for the Blob using a User Deligation Key Usage: generate-sas [OPTIONS] <--read|--add|--create|--write|--delete|--delete-version|--list|--tags|--move|--execute|--ownership|--permissions|--permanent-delete> Arguments: Expiration Options: --start Start time --time-format Format used for the start and expiry times [default: offset] Possible values: - rfc3339: Specific date and time, as described in . Examples include `1999-09-10T21:59:22Z` and `1999-09-10T03:05:07.3845533+01:00` - offset: Offset from `now`, as parsed by Examples include `10d`, `1h`, `1h30m`, and `1h30m10s` --ip --identifier --protocol [possible values: https, http-https] --read --add --create --write --delete --delete-version --list --tags --move --execute --ownership --permissions --permanent-delete -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs container blob get-tags ``` Get the tags on the blob Usage: get-tags [IF_TAGS] [LEASE_ID] [SNAPSHOT] [VERSION_ID] Arguments: [IF_TAGS] [LEASE_ID] [SNAPSHOT] [VERSION_ID] Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs container blob set-tags ``` Set the tags on the blob Usage: set-tags [OPTIONS] [IF_TAGS] [LEASE_ID] Arguments: [IF_TAGS] [LEASE_ID] Options: --tags -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs container blob snapshot ``` Create a snapshot of the blob Usage: snapshot [OPTIONS] Options: --unmodified-since --modified-since --time-format [default: TimeFormat::Offset] Possible values: - rfc3339: Specific date and time, as described in . Examples include `1999-09-10T21:59:22Z` and `1999-09-10T03:05:07.3845533+01:00` - offset: Offset from `now`, as parsed by Examples include `10d`, `1h`, `1h30m`, and `1h30m10s` --if-tags --lease-id --metadata -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs container blob set-blob-tier ``` Set the access tier on the blob Usage: set-blob-tier [OPTIONS] --tier Options: --tier --rehydrate-priority --if-tags --snapshot --version-id -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs container generate-sas ``` Generate a SAS URL for a storage container using the User Deligation Key Usage: generate-sas [OPTIONS] <--read|--add|--create|--write|--delete|--delete-version|--list|--tags|--move|--execute|--ownership|--permissions|--permanent-delete> Arguments: Expiration Options: --start Start time --time-format Format used for the start and expiry times [default: offset] Possible values: - rfc3339: Specific date and time, as described in . Examples include `1999-09-10T21:59:22Z` and `1999-09-10T03:05:07.3845533+01:00` - offset: Offset from `now`, as parsed by Examples include `10d`, `1h`, `1h30m`, and `1h30m10s` --ip --identifier --protocol [possible values: https, http-https] --read --add --create --write --delete --delete-version --list --tags --move --execute --ownership --permissions --permanent-delete -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs container acquire-lease ``` Acquire a lease on a storage container Usage: acquire-lease [OPTIONS] [LEASE_DURATION] [PROPOSED_LEASE_ID] [LEASE_ID] [UNMODIFIED_SINCE] [MODIFIED_SINCE] Arguments: [LEASE_DURATION] lease duration in seconds (otherwise uses Infinite) [PROPOSED_LEASE_ID] [LEASE_ID] [UNMODIFIED_SINCE] [MODIFIED_SINCE] Options: --time-format [default: TimeFormat::Offset] Possible values: - rfc3339: Specific date and time, as described in . Examples include `1999-09-10T21:59:22Z` and `1999-09-10T03:05:07.3845533+01:00` - offset: Offset from `now`, as parsed by Examples include `10d`, `1h`, `1h30m`, and `1h30m10s` -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs container break-lease ``` Acquire a lease on a storage container Usage: break-lease [OPTIONS] [LEASE_BREAK_PERIOD] [LEASE_ID] [UNMODIFIED_SINCE] [MODIFIED_SINCE] Arguments: [LEASE_BREAK_PERIOD] Duration as parsed by Examples include `10d`, `1h`, `1h30m`, and `1h30m10s` [LEASE_ID] [UNMODIFIED_SINCE] [MODIFIED_SINCE] Options: --time-format [default: TimeFormat::Offset] Possible values: - rfc3339: Specific date and time, as described in . Examples include `1999-09-10T21:59:22Z` and `1999-09-10T03:05:07.3845533+01:00` - offset: Offset from `now`, as parsed by Examples include `10d`, `1h`, `1h30m`, and `1h30m10s` -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs container lease-release ``` Usage: lease-release [OPTIONS] [UNMODIFIED_SINCE] [MODIFIED_SINCE] Arguments: [UNMODIFIED_SINCE] [MODIFIED_SINCE] Options: --time-format [default: TimeFormat::Offset] Possible values: - rfc3339: Specific date and time, as described in . Examples include `1999-09-10T21:59:22Z` and `1999-09-10T03:05:07.3845533+01:00` - offset: Offset from `now`, as parsed by Examples include `10d`, `1h`, `1h30m`, and `1h30m10s` -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs container lease-renew ``` Usage: lease-renew [OPTIONS] [UNMODIFIED_SINCE] [MODIFIED_SINCE] Arguments: [UNMODIFIED_SINCE] [MODIFIED_SINCE] Options: --time-format [default: TimeFormat::Offset] Possible values: - rfc3339: Specific date and time, as described in . Examples include `1999-09-10T21:59:22Z` and `1999-09-10T03:05:07.3845533+01:00` - offset: Offset from `now`, as parsed by Examples include `10d`, `1h`, `1h30m`, and `1h30m10s` -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version ``` ### azs queues ``` Interact with storage queues Usage: queues Commands: get-properties list-queues List the available queues queue Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` #### azs queues get-properties ``` Usage: get-properties Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` #### azs queues list-queues ``` List the available queues The output of this command is serialized as JSON Usage: list-queues [OPTIONS] Options: --prefix --include-metadata --max-results -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version ``` ##### azs queues queue ``` Usage: queue Commands: create delete Delete a Storage Queue put-message Put a message onto the Storage Queue clear Clear all messages on a storage queue get-messages Get messages from a storage queue peek-messages Peek at available messages from a storage queue pop-message Pop a message from a storage queue Arguments: queue name Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs queues queue create ``` Usage: create [OPTIONS] Options: --metadata -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs queues queue delete ``` Delete a Storage Queue Usage: delete Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs queues queue put-message ``` Put a message onto the Storage Queue Usage: put-message [OPTIONS] Arguments: Options: --ttl --visibility-timeout -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs queues queue clear ``` Clear all messages on a storage queue Usage: clear Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs queues queue get-messages ``` Get messages from a storage queue Usage: get-messages [OPTIONS] Options: --number-of-messages --visibility-timeout -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs queues queue peek-messages ``` Peek at available messages from a storage queue Usage: peek-messages [OPTIONS] Options: --number-of-messages -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs queues queue pop-message ``` Pop a message from a storage queue Usage: pop-message Arguments: Message ID for the message to be deleted (usually from the `GetMessages` response) Pop Receipt the message to be deleted (usually from the `GetMessages` response) Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ### azs datalake ``` Interact with storage datalakes Usage: datalake Commands: list-file-systems List available file systems file-system Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` #### azs datalake list-file-systems ``` List available file systems The output of this command is serialized as JSON Usage: list-file-systems [OPTIONS] Options: --prefix --max-results -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version ``` ##### azs datalake file-system ``` Usage: file-system Commands: create Create the specified filesystem delete Create the specified filesystem list-paths List paths in the specified file system directory Perform operations on the specified directory Arguments: Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs datalake file-system create ``` Create the specified filesystem Usage: create [OPTIONS] Options: --properties -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs datalake file-system delete ``` Create the specified filesystem Usage: delete Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs datalake file-system list-paths ``` List paths in the specified file system The output of this command is serialized as JSON Usage: list-paths [OPTIONS] Options: --recursive [possible values: true, false] --max-results --upn [possible values: true, false] --directory -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs datalake file-system directory ``` Perform operations on the specified directory Usage: directory Commands: create delete list-paths List available paths Arguments: Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs datalake file-system directory create ``` Usage: create [OPTIONS] Options: --properties -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs datalake file-system directory delete ``` Usage: delete [OPTIONS] Options: --recursive -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs datalake file-system directory list-paths ``` List available paths The output of this command is serialized as JSON Usage: list-paths [OPTIONS] Options: --recursive [possible values: true, false] --max-results --upn [possible values: true, false] --directory -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version ``` ### azs tables ``` Interact with data tables Usage: tables Commands: list List available tables create Create a new table delete Delete a table query Query a table get Get a specific row in the table insert-or-merge insert-or-replace delete-entity update-entity merge-entity Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` #### azs tables list ``` List available tables The output of this command is serialized as JSON Usage: list [OPTIONS] Options: --filter --select --top -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs tables get ``` Get a specific row in the table The output of this command is serialized as JSON Usage: get Arguments: table name Partition Key Row Key Options: -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs tables insert-or-merge ``` Usage: insert-or-merge Arguments: table name Partition Key Row Key JSON file containing the entity Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs tables insert-or-replace ``` Usage: insert-or-replace Arguments: table name Partition Key Row Key JSON file containing the entity Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs tables delete-entity ``` Usage: delete-entity [OPTIONS] Arguments: table name Partition Key Row Key Options: --if-match-condition `ETag` value -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs tables update-entity ``` Usage: update-entity [OPTIONS] Arguments: table name Partition Key Row Key JSON file containing the entity Options: --if-match-condition `ETag` value -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ###### azs tables merge-entity ``` Usage: merge-entity [OPTIONS] Arguments: table name Partition Key Row Key JSON file containing the entity Options: --if-match-condition `ETag` value -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ```