#![cfg(all(test, feature = "test_e2e"))] use azure_storage::prelude::*; use azure_storage_blobs::prelude::*; use futures::StreamExt; #[tokio::test] async fn list_blobs_with_marker() { // First we retrieve the account name and access key from environment variables. let account = std::env::var("STORAGE_ACCOUNT").expect("Set env variable STORAGE_ACCOUNT first!"); let access_key = std::env::var("STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY").expect("Set env variable STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY first!"); let container_name = "streamlistblobs235xx752zdve"; let storage_credentials = StorageCredentials::access_key(account.clone(), access_key); let blob_service = BlobServiceClient::new(account, storage_credentials); let container = blob_service.container_client(container_name); let page = blob_service .list_containers() .into_stream() .next() .await .unwrap() .unwrap(); if page .containers .iter() .any(|item| item.name == container_name) { panic!("The specified container must not exists!"); } // create the container container .create() .public_access(PublicAccess::None) .await .unwrap(); // create 10 blobs for i in 0..10u8 { container .blob_client(format!("blob{}.txt", i)) .put_block_blob("somedata") .content_type("text/plain") .await .unwrap(); } let mut marker = None; let mut cnt = 0u32; loop { let builder = container.list_blobs(); let builder = if let Some(marker) = marker { builder.marker(marker) } else { builder }; let page = builder .max_results(std::num::NonZeroU32::new(3u32).unwrap()) .into_stream() .next() .await .unwrap() .unwrap(); let len = page.blobs.blobs().count(); println!("received {} blobs", len); match cnt { 0..=2 => assert_eq!(len, 3), 3 => assert_eq!(len, 1), _ => panic!("more than 10 entries??"), } cnt += 1; marker = match page.next_marker { Some(m) => Some(m.as_str().to_owned()), None => break, }; } container.delete().await.unwrap(); }