@page guides Guides
The guides in this section are step-by-step procedures to accomplish
common tasks with libbabeltrace2.
Guides help you navigate through the most important features of
the library and its API.
Make sure to eventually read \ref api-fund before you use the \bt_api
The available guides are:
- \subpage guide-build-bt2-dev
- \subpage guide-comp-link-plugin-so
- \subpage guide-comp-link-app
@if meow
- \subpage guide-create-graph
- \subpage guide-write-min-src-comp-cls
- \subpage guide-write-min-flt-comp-cls
- \subpage guide-write-min-sink-comp-cls
- \subpage guide-write-simple-sink-comp-cls
- \subpage guide-create-plugin
- \subpage guide-write-full-src-comp-cls
- \subpage guide-write-full-flt-comp-cls
- \subpage guide-write-full-sink-comp-cls
- \subpage guide-query
- \subpage guide-seek-msg-iter
- \subpage guide-intr-graph
- \subpage guide-intr-query
- \subpage guide-graph-listeners
@page guide-build-bt2-dev Build Babeltrace 2 for development
If you are developing a \bt_name \bt_plugin or an application which uses
libbabeltrace2, we recommend that:
- You build \bt_name from source in developer mode.
The \bt_name developer mode enables more \ref api-fund-pre-post
"precondition and postcondition" assertions to detect
programming errors.
- You use \em TRACE as the minimal logging level at build time to have
access to more \ref api-fund-logging "logging", should you need it
to debug your plugin or application.
To build \bt_name from source in developer mode and using \em TRACE
as the minimal logging level:
Download the
\bt_name tarball and extract it.
See the project's
for build-time requirements and detailed build instructions.
Configure the build in developer mode and with the \em TRACE
minimal logging level:
Build and install the project:
$ make
# make install
\bt_name developer mode build configuration command line examples:
--enable-python-bindings --enable-python-plugins
--prefix="$PWD/install" --disable-man-pages --disable-debug-info
The development build creates a libbabeltrace2 library which is
slower to execute than a production (default) build.
We believe that, during the development process, a less efficient,
but more strict library is more desirable than the opposite.
@page guide-comp-link-plugin-so Compile and link a Babeltrace 2 shared object plugin
To compile and link a \bt_name shared object plugin:
Compile the plugin's C/C++ source files with the
compiler options to produce position-independent code and
to compile without linking:
$ cc my-plugin.c analysis.c -fPIC -c $(pkg-config --cflags babeltrace2)
Link the resulting object files with the
linker option and with the \bt_name library:
$ ld my-plugin.o analysis.o -o my-plugin.so -shared $(pkg-config --libs babeltrace2)
At least one of your C/C++ files must declare a \bt_name plugin
and one or more \bt_p_comp_cls using the \ref api-plugin-dev macros.
@page guide-comp-link-app Compile and link an application which uses libbabeltrace2
To compile and link an application which uses libbabeltrace2:
Compile your C/C++ files as usual.
Link the resulting object files with the \bt_name library:
$ ld my-app.o analysis.o -o my-app $(pkg-config --libs babeltrace2)
@if meow
@page guide-create-graph Create a graph from existing component classes and run it
@page guide-write-min-src-comp-cls Write a minimal source component class
@page guide-write-min-flt-comp-cls Write a minimal filter component class
@page guide-write-min-sink-comp-cls Write a minimal sink component class
@page guide-write-simple-sink-comp-cls Write a simple sink component class
@page guide-create-plugin Create a Babeltrace 2 plugin
@page guide-write-full-src-comp-cls Write a complete source component class
@page guide-write-full-flt-comp-cls Write a complete filter component class
@page guide-write-full-sink-comp-cls Write a complete sink component class
@page guide-query Query an object from a component class
@page guide-seek-msg-iter Make a message iterator seek
@page guide-intr-graph Interrupt a running graph
@page guide-intr-query Interrupt a query operation
@page guide-graph-listeners Use graph listeners to react to topology events