#ifndef BABELTRACE2_UTIL_H #define BABELTRACE2_UTIL_H /* * Copyright (c) 2010-2019 EfficiOS Inc. and Linux Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef __BT_IN_BABELTRACE_H # error "Please include instead." #endif #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*! @defgroup api-util General purpose utilities @brief General purpose utilities. This module contains general purpose utilities. */ /*! @{ */ /*! @brief Status codes for bt_util_clock_cycles_to_ns_from_origin(). */ typedef enum bt_util_clock_cycles_to_ns_from_origin_status { /*! @brief Success. */ BT_UTIL_CLOCK_CYCLES_TO_NS_FROM_ORIGIN_STATUS_OK = __BT_FUNC_STATUS_OK, /*! @brief Integer overflow while computing the result. */ BT_UTIL_CLOCK_CYCLES_TO_NS_FROM_ORIGIN_STATUS_OVERFLOW_ERROR = __BT_FUNC_STATUS_OVERFLOW_ERROR, } bt_util_clock_cycles_to_ns_from_origin_status; /*! @brief Converts the clock value \bt_p{cycles} from cycles to nanoseconds from the clock's origin and sets \bt_p{*ns_from_origin} to the result. This function considers the clock's frequency in Hz (\bt_p{frequency}), an offset from its origin in seconds (\bt_p{offset_seconds}) which can be negative, and an additional offset in cycles (\bt_p{offset_cycles}). This function: -# Converts the \bt_p{offset_cycles} value to seconds using \bt_p{frequency}. -# Converts the \bt_p{cycles} value to seconds using \bt_p{frequency}. -# Adds the values of 1., 2., and \bt_p{offset_seconds}. -# Converts the value of 3. to nanoseconds and sets \bt_p{*ns_from_origin} to this result. The following illustration shows the possible scenarios: @image html clock-terminology.png \bt_p{offset_seconds} can be negative. For example, considering: - A 1000 Hz clock. - \bt_p{offset_seconds} set to -10 seconds. - \bt_p{offset_cycles} set to 500 cycles (that is, 0.5 seconds). - \bt_p{cycles} set to 2000 cycles (that is, 2 seconds). The computed value is -7.5 seconds, so this function sets \bt_p{*ns_from_origin} to -7,500,000,000. This function can fail and return the #BT_UTIL_CLOCK_CYCLES_TO_NS_FROM_ORIGIN_STATUS_OVERFLOW_ERROR status code if any step of the computation process causes an integer overflow. @param[in] cycles Clock's value (cycles). @param[in] frequency Clock's frequency (Hz, or cycles/second). @param[in] offset_seconds Offset, in seconds, from the clock's origin to add to \bt_p{cycles} (once converted to seconds). @param[in] offset_cycles Offset, in cycles, to add to \bt_p{cycles}. @param[out] ns_from_origin On success, \bt_p{*ns_from_origin} is \bt_p{cycles} converted to nanoseconds from origin considering the clock's properties. @retval #BT_UTIL_CLOCK_CYCLES_TO_NS_FROM_ORIGIN_STATUS_OK Success. @retval #BT_UTIL_CLOCK_CYCLES_TO_NS_FROM_ORIGIN_STATUS_OVERFLOW_ERROR Integer overflow while computing the result. @pre \bt_p{frequency} is not 0. @pre \bt_p{frequency} is not UINT64_C(-1). @pre \bt_p{frequency} is greater than \bt_p{offset_cycles}. @pre \bt_p{offset_cycles} is less than \bt_p{frequency}. @bt_pre_not_null{ns_from_origin} @sa bt_clock_class_cycles_to_ns_from_origin() — Converts a stream clock value from cycles to nanoseconds from the origin of a given clock class. */ bt_util_clock_cycles_to_ns_from_origin_status bt_util_clock_cycles_to_ns_from_origin(uint64_t cycles, uint64_t frequency, int64_t offset_seconds, uint64_t offset_cycles, int64_t *ns_from_origin); /*! @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* BABELTRACE2_UTIL_H */