debug-info-data ============== This directory contains pre-generated ELF and DWARF files used to test the debug info analysis feature, including lookup of DWARF debugging information via build ID and debug link methods, as well as the source files used to generate them. The generated files are: * `ARCH/dwarf_full/libhello_so` (ELF and DWARF) * `ARCH/elf_only/libhello_so` (ELF only) * `ARCH/build_id/libhello_so` (ELF with separate DWARF via build ID) * `ARCH/build_id/.build-id/cd/d98cdd87f7fe64c13b6daad553987eafd40cbb.debug` (DWARF for build ID) * `ARCH/debug_link/libhello_so` (ELF with separate DWARF via debug link) * `ARCH/debug_link/libhello_so.debug` (DWARF for debug link) We use a suffix of "_so" instead of ".so" since some distributions build systems will consider ".so" files as artifacts from a previous build that were "left-over" and will remove them prior to the build. All files are generated from the four (4) following source files: * libhello.c * libhello.h * tp.c * tp.h The generated executables were built using a native GNU toolchain on either Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04 depending on the architecture. To regenerate them, you can use the included Makefile or follow these steps: ## Generate the object files $ gcc -gdwarf -fdebug-prefix-map=$(pwd)=. -fPIC -c -I. tp.c libhello.c ## Combined ELF and DWARF $ build_id_prefix=cd $ build_id_suffix=d98cdd87f7fe64c13b6daad553987eafd40cbb $ build_id="$build_id_prefix$build_id_suffix" $ mkdir dwarf_full $ gcc -shared -g -llttng-ust -ldl -Wl,-soname, -Wl,--build-id=0x$build_id -o dwarf_full/libhello_so tp.o libhello.o ## ELF only $ mkdir elf_only $ objcopy -g dwarf_full/libhello_so elf_only/libhello_so $ objcopy elf_only/libhello_so ## ELF and DWARF with Build ID $ mkdir -p build_id/.build-id/$build_id_prefix $ objcopy --only-keep-debug dwarf_full/libhello_so build_id/.build-id/$build_id_prefix/$build_id_suffix.debug $ objcopy -g dwarf_full/libhello_so build_id/libhello_so ## ELF and DWARF with Debug Link $ mkdir debug_link $ objcopy dwarf_full/libhello_so debug_link/libhello_so $ objcopy --only-keep-debug debug_link/libhello_so debug_link/libhello_so.debug $ objcopy -g debug_link/libhello_so $ cd debug_link && objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=libhello_so.debug libhello_so && cd .. Test program ------------ The trace provided in `tests/data/ctf-traces/succeed/debug-info/` was generated using lttng-ust in a LTTng session configured to contain only the bare minimum to do the debug-info resolution. You can generate such trace by following these steps: 1. Compile the example binary: $ ln -s x86_64-linux-gnu/dwarf_full/libhello_so $ gcc -I. -o debug_info_app main.c -L. -lhello -llttng-ust -ldl -Wl,--rpath=. 2. In order to have paths to binary and shared objects that are not relative to the file system they were built on, we used a simple trick of copying the following files to the root directory ('/') like this: $ sudo cp x86_64-linux-gnu/dwarf_full/libhello_so /libhello_so $ sudo cp ./debug_info_app / 3. Create symbolic link to the `/libhello_so` file with the `/` name. $ sudo ln -s /libhello_so / 4. Create the LTTng tracing session using the following commands: $ cd / $ sudo lttng create $ sudo lttng add-context -u -t vpid -t ip $ sudo lttng enable-event -u my_provider:my_first_tracepoint $ sudo lttng enable-event -u lttng_ust_statedump:bin_info --filter='path=="/libhello_so"' $ sudo lttng enable-event -u lttng_ust_statedump:bin_info --filter='path=="[]"' $ sudo lttng start $ sudo /debug_info_app $ sudo lttng stop 5. Copy the resulting trace back into the Babeltrace repository. When running babeltrace with the `--debug-info-target-prefix` option or `target-prefix` component paramater set to the directory containing the right `libhello_so` file. In the example used above, the `libhello_so` file is in the `x86_64-linux-gnu/dwarf_full/` directory. In the printed trace, the `my_provider:my_first_tracepoint` events should contain information similar to this: debug_info = { bin = "libhello_so+0x2349", func = "foo+0xd2", src = "libhello.c:35" }