# Backer
A library for straight-forward UI layout.
Dependency free & framework-agnostic. Backer can be used in an index-based layout approach or with inline drawing code.
_This library **only** implements layout & would be most useful along with a GUI library that can do GUI things (like [macroquad](https://github.com/not-fl3/macroquad) or [egui](https://github.com/emilk/egui))._
### Features ✨
- Declarative API: The code should look like the structure it defines
- Minimal interface: No confusing overloads or magic, cascading effects
- Intuitive constraints: Backer adheres to & smoothly resolves size constraints with an advanced algorithm
- Performant: Layout can be comfortably recalculated every frame
- Easy integration & compatibility: Backer should work with just about any UI library with a bit of glue - so it isn't really fine-tuned for any specific UI solution.
This project intends to be a flexible layout tool & not much else.
## Preview
Check out the [demo site](https://ejjonny.github.io/backer/): a mock page showcasing layout capabilities in a realistic interface. Built with [egui](https://github.com/emilk/egui)!
Backer relies on simple rules that can compose to create complex, flexible layouts.
See some code
column_spaced(10., vec![draw_a(ui), draw_b(ui), draw_c(ui)]),
# Quick Start
## 1. Create a `Layout` struct with your layout function.
use backer::layout::Layout;
use backer::layout::Node;
let layout = Layout::new(my_layout_fn);
fn my_layout_fn(state: &mut MyState) -> Node { todo!() }
## 2. Implement a `draw` node
For reuse, you can construct your drawable in a function
fn my_drawable(state: &mut MyState) -> Node {
draw(move |area: Area, state: &mut MyState| {
// The `area` parameter is the space alotted for your view after layout is calculated
// The `state` parameter is *your* mutable state that you pass when you call layout.
// This closure should draw UI based on the alotted area or update state so that drawing can be performed later.
## 3. Combine nodes to define & customize your layout
fn my_layout_fn(state: &mut MyState) -> Node {
## 4. Draw your layout
// UI libraries generally will expose methods to get the available screen size
// In a real implementation this should use the real screen size!
let available_area = Area {
x: todo!(),
y: todo!(),
width: todo!(),
height: todo!().
let mut my_state = MyState::new();
let layout = Layout::new(my_layout_fn);
// Perform layout & draw all of your drawable nodes.
layout.draw(available_area, &mut my_state);
## Status
The crate is currently usable but new! Breaking changes may be relatively frequent as the crate matures.
Contributions are always welcome 🤗