#1 Group tags in columns in the list-tags command. deps:#6 tags:cli pri:2 #2 Add deps command to print the task dependency tree or the dependencies of a specific task id. tags:cli pri:5 #5 Remove leading and trailing quotes or double quotes if in a line to parse. tags:cli pri:4 #6 Only display total number of completed or cut tasks instead of printing them during a `list` command. deps:#1,#2 pri:5 #9 Make --full option to display all cut and closed tasks. deps:#6 pri:5 #10 Create 'cut' command to cut a task. tags:cli pri:3 #11 Refactor command guts to not use arguments from clap directly. tags:refactor pri:2 #12 Don't panic on unknown tags tags:cli pri:1 [x] #3 Update binary name to something shorter. [x] #4 Review and upgrade command line help. pri:6 complete:2024.03.09 [x] #7 Add finish command to close tasks. tags:cli pri:7 [x] #8 Add a completion date when closing a task with the finish command. complete:2024.03.08 [x] #13 Sort lower numeric priority first. tags:cli pri:1 complete:2024.03.09 [x] #14 Update Cargo.toml metadata for publishing complete:2024.03.09