use std::borrow::Cow; //////////////////////////////// HelloWorld App //////////////////////////////////////////// use async_trait::async_trait; use backstage::*; // App builder builder!( #[derive(Clone)] HelloWorldBuilder {} ); impl ThroughType for HelloWorldBuilder { type Through = HelloWorldEvent; } impl Builder for HelloWorldBuilder { type State = HelloWorld; fn build(self) -> Self::State { let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel::(); HelloWorld { tx, rx, service: Service::new(), } .set_name() } } impl> AppBuilder for HelloWorldBuilder {} impl Name for HelloWorld { fn get_name(&self) -> String { self.service.get_name() } fn set_name(mut self) -> Self { self.service.update_name("HelloWorld".to_string()); self } } impl Passthrough for HelloWorldSender { fn passthrough(&mut self, _event: HelloWorldEvent, _from_app_name: String) {} fn service(&mut self, _service: &Service) {} fn launcher_status_change(&mut self, _service: &Service) {} fn app_status_change(&mut self, _service: &Service) {} } impl Shutdown for HelloWorldSender { fn shutdown(self) -> Option { let _ = self.tx.send(HelloWorldEvent::Shutdown); None } } #[async_trait] impl> Starter for HelloWorldBuilder { type Ok = HelloWorldSender; type Error = Cow<'static, str>; // if application asked for Need::Restart or RescheduleAfter then the input will hold the prev app From::from(state) type Input = HelloWorld; async fn starter(mut self, handle: H, mut _input: Option) -> Result { let hello_world =; // create handle let app_handle = HelloWorldSender { tx: hello_world.tx.clone(), }; // spawn and start HelloWorld tokio::spawn(hello_world.start(Some(handle))); // return app_handle Ok(app_handle) } } #[async_trait] impl> Init for HelloWorld { async fn init(&mut self, status: Result<(), Need>, _supervisor: &mut Option) -> Result<(), Need> { // update service to be Initializing self.service.update_status(ServiceStatus::Initializing); // tell active apps _supervisor.as_mut().unwrap().status_change(self.service.clone()); status } } #[async_trait] impl> EventLoop for HelloWorld { async fn event_loop(&mut self, _status: Result<(), Need>, _supervisor: &mut Option) -> Result<(), Need> { // update service to be Running self.service.update_status(ServiceStatus::Running); // tell active apps _supervisor.as_mut().unwrap().status_change(self.service.clone()); // this scope is an example of how the application can make use of Appsthrough, // it's meant to be used to dynamically re-configure the applications during runtime { let apps_through: Result = serde_json::from_str("{\"HelloWorld\": \"Shutdown\"}"); if let Ok(apps_events) = apps_through { // check if the event meant to be sent to HelloWorld application match apps_events.try_get_my_event() { // event belong to self application Ok(HelloWorldEvent::Shutdown) => { _supervisor.as_mut().unwrap().shutdown_app(&self.get_name()); } // event belongs to other application, so we passthrough to the launcher in order to route it // to the corresponding application Err(other_app_event) => { _supervisor.as_mut().unwrap().passthrough(other_app_event, self.get_name()); } } } else { return Err(Need::Abort); }; } while let Some(HelloWorldEvent::Shutdown) = self.rx.recv().await { // break the application event loop when it receives Shutdown event self.rx.close(); // or break; NOTE: the application must make sure to shutdown all of its children } _status } } #[async_trait] impl> Terminating for HelloWorld { async fn terminating(&mut self, _status: Result<(), Need>, _supervisor: &mut Option) -> Result<(), Need> { // update service to be Stopping self.service.update_status(ServiceStatus::Stopping); // tell active apps _supervisor.as_mut().unwrap().status_change(self.service.clone()); _status } } /// App starter state and also the root state pub struct HelloWorld { tx: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender, rx: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, service: Service, } /// Root handler #[allow(dead_code)] pub struct HelloWorldSender { tx: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender, } /// Through type #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum HelloWorldEvent { Shutdown, } //////////////////////////////// Howdy App //////////////////////////////////////////// // App builder builder!( #[derive(Clone)] HowdyBuilder {} ); impl ThroughType for HowdyBuilder { type Through = HowdyEvent; } impl Builder for HowdyBuilder { type State = Howdy; fn build(self) -> Self::State { let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel::(); Howdy { tx, rx, service: Service::new(), } .set_name() } } impl> AppBuilder for HowdyBuilder {} impl Name for Howdy { fn get_name(&self) -> String { self.service.get_name() } fn set_name(mut self) -> Self { self.service.update_name("Howdy".to_string()); self } } impl Passthrough for HowdySender { fn passthrough(&mut self, _event: HowdyEvent, _from_app_name: String) {} fn service(&mut self, _service: &Service) {} fn launcher_status_change(&mut self, _service: &Service) {} fn app_status_change(&mut self, _service: &Service) {} } impl Shutdown for HowdySender { fn shutdown(self) -> Option { let _ = self.tx.send(HowdyEvent::Shutdown); None } } #[async_trait] impl> Starter for HowdyBuilder { type Ok = HowdySender; type Error = Cow<'static, str>; // if application asked for Need::Restart or RescheduleAfter then the input will hold the prev app From::from(state) type Input = Howdy; async fn starter(mut self, handle: H, mut _input: Option) -> Result { let howdy =; // create handle let app_handle = HowdySender { tx: howdy.tx.clone() }; // spawn and start Howdy tokio::spawn(howdy.start(Some(handle))); // return app_handle Ok(app_handle) } } #[async_trait] impl> Init for Howdy { async fn init(&mut self, status: Result<(), Need>, _supervisor: &mut Option) -> Result<(), Need> { // update service to be Initializing self.service.update_status(ServiceStatus::Initializing); // tell active apps _supervisor.as_mut().unwrap().status_change(self.service.clone()); status } } #[async_trait] impl> EventLoop for Howdy { async fn event_loop(&mut self, _status: Result<(), Need>, _supervisor: &mut Option) -> Result<(), Need> { // update service to be Running self.service.update_status(ServiceStatus::Running); // tell active apps _supervisor.as_mut().unwrap().status_change(self.service.clone()); // this scope is an example of how the application can make use of Appsthrough, // it's meant to be used to dynamically re-configure the applications during runtime { let apps_through: Result = serde_json::from_str("{\"Howdy\": \"Shutdown\"}"); if let Ok(apps_events) = apps_through { // check if the event meant to be sent to Howdy application match apps_events.try_get_my_event() { // event belong to self application Ok(HowdyEvent::Shutdown) => { _supervisor.as_mut().unwrap().shutdown_app(&self.get_name()); } // event belong to other application, so we passthrough to the launcher in order to route it // to the corresponding application Err(other_app_event) => { _supervisor.as_mut().unwrap().passthrough(other_app_event, self.get_name()); } } } else { return Err(Need::Abort); }; } while let Some(HowdyEvent::Shutdown) = self.rx.recv().await { // break the application event loop when it receives Shutdown event self.rx.close(); // or break; NOTE: the application must make sure to shutdown all of its children } _status } } #[async_trait] impl> Terminating for Howdy { async fn terminating(&mut self, _status: Result<(), Need>, _supervisor: &mut Option) -> Result<(), Need> { // update service to be Stopping self.service.update_status(ServiceStatus::Stopping); // tell active apps _supervisor.as_mut().unwrap().status_change(self.service.clone()); _status } } /// App starter state and also the root state pub struct Howdy { tx: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender, rx: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, service: Service, } /// Root handler #[allow(dead_code)] pub struct HowdySender { tx: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender, } /// Through type #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum HowdyEvent { Shutdown, } //////////////////////////////// Launcher (root of program) //////////////////////////////////////////// launcher!(builder: AppsBuilder {[] -> HelloWorld: HelloWorldBuilder, [] -> Howdy: HowdyBuilder}, state: Apps {}); impl Builder for AppsBuilder { type State = Apps; fn build(self) -> Self::State { // create apps let hello_world_builder = HelloWorldBuilder::new(); let howdy_builder = HowdyBuilder::new(); // add it to launcher self.HelloWorld(hello_world_builder).Howdy(howdy_builder).to_apps() } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { env_logger::init(); // create apps_builder and build apps let apps = AppsBuilder::new().build(); // start the launcher apps.HelloWorld().await.Howdy().await.start(None).await; }