# About A small learning project created due to a need for a highly configurable backup program and to learn Rust better. # License The project is licensed under the [MPL (Mozilla public license)](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/). The license is included in the LICENSE.txt # Installation and usage Read the USAGE.md file. # Main features These features **might not yet be implemented** but are the main ones that will be implemented. When all of these are complete the project will officially reach version **1.0.0** and will be considered "stable". - [x] backing up modified files - [x] multiple configurable backup targets - [x] each has an optional tag for identification (manual mode and logging) - [x] option to ignore files and folders (possibly regex) - [x] option to disable auto backup (manual mode) - [x] number of copies to keep (>1 disables timestamp checks) - [x] option to enable always copy - [x] additional options for different types of backups (ie. network) - [ ] restore from backup - [ ] restore backed up targets to their original location - [ ] option for selecting a new location - [ ] option to select which revision to restore - [ ] daemon mode on Unix (pid-s and other runtime files are saved in a "run" folder) - [ ] intervals for backing up - [ ] possible windows service - [x] manual mode (command line) - [x] manually select backup target - [ ] manually select target and destination folder - [ ] other possible arguments such as --daemonize - [ ] snazzy UI, complete with: - [ ] icons - [x] ASCII art - [ ] colored - [ ] with cool text - [ ] fancy words - [ ] lots of logging # Secondary features Features that might be implemented later. - NCURSES (Unix, maybe windows if the packages work) config editor - configurable styles - Maybe a GUI front-end - maybe - just maybe - _possible_ resource limiting - more advanced scheduling - day of the week - hours - conditional backup (backup based on a configurable if statement) - daemon file watcher - notifications # Contributing Ask for a pull request if you have a nice idea or something. ALL contribution is licensed under the same license above.