# bad_email ![Docs.rs badge](https://docs.rs/bad_email/badge.svg) This crate can be used to check email domains against a list of 10234 known [disposable email domains](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disposable_email_address). The crate has one function that returns true or false based on a full email being passed in as a copy of str slice and then splinting the str on '@' and then comparing the domain name to the list of unwanted domain names. Returns true for an email address passed in with a domain name that is on the unwanted domain list Returns false for an email address passed in with a domain name that is not on the unwanted domain list # Motivation The creation of this crate was inspired by creating a website they allows users to sign up for email updates and seeing disposable email domains sign up. The list of disposable email domains is from the [disposable-email-domains](https://www.npmjs.com/package/disposable-email-domains) npm package. Thank you to the creators and contributors to the package. ## Usage To use the crate add it to your project's cargo.toml file: ``` [dependencies] bad_email = "0.1.0" ``` # Example Example of how to use remembering email_address variable is str ``` use bad_email::is_email_unwanted; if is_email_unwanted(email_address) { return error message or other functionality } ``` # Contributing Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue or submit a pull request. # Changlog ### 0.1.1 - extract_domain() function now strips trailing "." - Number of bad email domains compaired corrected in read me - Thank you to @SpellignErr for the contributions