## v0.2.4 (2022-01-05)
#### Bug Fixes
* **[TD-12729:** fix tag value escape error ([aa8f5291](aa8f5291))
#### Documentation
* relicense to MIT ([99d27145](99d27145))
## v0.2.3 (2021-06-08)
#### Utils
* **blm-bench-prom:** support table check in CI ([5c83a0d1](5c83a0d1))
## v0.2.2 (2021-06-08)
#### Bug Fixes
* **remote-read:** fix tag name not match for t_ prefix ([4dc58df3](4dc58df3))
#### Utils
* add changelog section Utils ([4d86fedd](4d86fedd))
* **clog:** add enhancement changelog section ([e96c5bac](e96c5bac))
* **prom-decode:** support read/write request ([047396f1](047396f1))
#### Enhancement
* **prom:** use different prefix for failed r/w requests ([bb3019c3](bb3019c3))
## v0.2.1 (2021-06-07)
#### Bug Fixes
* **[TD-4607]:** fix prom remote read results labels error ([c85a9cc8](c85a9cc8))
#### CI
* add blm-bench-prom to release ([ad309aaa](ad309aaa))
## v0.2.0 (2021-06-07)
#### Features
* **[TD-4607]:** support regex match/not-match for promql ([e03be78a](e03be78a))
#### Bug Fixes
* improve error log in case of prom data error ([4bf725f0](4bf725f0))
## v0.1.1 (2021-06-04)
#### CI
* use nightly toolchain to enable backtrace ([b6dd4e2b](b6dd4e2b))
#### Bug Fixes
* fix sql syntax error if value contains quote ([645ed56a](645ed56a))
* **Prometheus:** use escape_default for tag value ([a38d5041](a38d5041))
## v0.1.0 (2021-06-02)
#### Bug Fixes
* use actix arbiter instead of tokio spawn ([30a42b15](30a42b15))
* set response status as Accepted (202) ([c1413326](c1413326))
* max_connections not work ([7e87dfe4](7e87dfe4))
* lowercase all tag names ([3602c492](3602c492))
* remove rwlock ([bf3bd26f](bf3bd26f))
* fix pool size too small ([5bfddb03](5bfddb03))
* fix space lost in insert batch ([e131a888](e131a888))
#### Features
* memory-efficient implements ([8d294c88](8d294c88))
* use backtrace feature to compile in stable ([3d4d7a13](3d4d7a13))
* support early reply to prometheus ([76570a2e](76570a2e))
* add benchmark tool for prometheus ([cd368f1b](cd368f1b))
* split rest feature to bailongma ([43fb09c1](43fb09c1))
* add chunk size option to reduce error ([00e1d4d0](00e1d4d0))
* use rest api for memory leak case ([10f8c55f](10f8c55f))
* support config options in command line ([bed3d65b](bed3d65b))
* **CHANGELOG:** auto generate CHANGELONG.md by clog-cli ([bbe4e75a](bbe4e75a))
* **[TD-4496]:** add build step for bailongma ([9b132b3d](9b132b3d))