// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. import { UseColumnOrderInstanceProps, UseColumnOrderState, UseExpandedHooks, UseExpandedInstanceProps, UseExpandedOptions, UseExpandedRowProps, UseExpandedState, UseFiltersColumnOptions, UseFiltersColumnProps, UseFiltersInstanceProps, UseFiltersOptions, UseFiltersState, UseGlobalFiltersColumnOptions, UseGlobalFiltersInstanceProps, UseGlobalFiltersOptions, UseGlobalFiltersState, UseGroupByCellProps, UseGroupByColumnOptions, UseGroupByColumnProps, UseGroupByHooks, UseGroupByInstanceProps, UseGroupByOptions, UseGroupByRowProps, UseGroupByState, UsePaginationInstanceProps, UsePaginationOptions, UsePaginationState, UseResizeColumnsColumnOptions, UseResizeColumnsColumnProps, UseResizeColumnsOptions, UseResizeColumnsState, UseRowSelectHooks, UseRowSelectInstanceProps, UseRowSelectOptions, UseRowSelectRowProps, UseRowSelectState, UseRowStateCellProps, UseRowStateInstanceProps, UseRowStateOptions, UseRowStateRowProps, UseRowStateState, UseSortByColumnOptions, UseSortByColumnProps, UseSortByHooks, UseSortByInstanceProps, UseSortByOptions, UseSortByState, } from "react-table"; declare module "react-table" { // take this file as-is, or comment out the sections that don't apply to your plugin configuration export interface TableOptions< D extends Record > extends UseExpandedOptions, UseFiltersOptions, UseGlobalFiltersOptions, UseGroupByOptions, UsePaginationOptions, UseResizeColumnsOptions, UseRowSelectOptions, UseRowStateOptions, UseSortByOptions, // note that having Record here allows you to add anything to the options, this matches the spirit of the // underlying js library, but might be cleaner if it's replaced by a more specific type that matches your // feature set, this is a safe default. Record {} export interface Hooks< D extends Record = Record > extends UseExpandedHooks, UseGroupByHooks, UseRowSelectHooks, UseSortByHooks {} export interface TableInstance< D extends Record = Record > extends UseColumnOrderInstanceProps, UseExpandedInstanceProps, UseFiltersInstanceProps, UseGlobalFiltersInstanceProps, UseGroupByInstanceProps, UsePaginationInstanceProps, UseRowSelectInstanceProps, UseRowStateInstanceProps, UseSortByInstanceProps {} export interface TableState< D extends Record = Record > extends UseColumnOrderState, UseExpandedState, UseFiltersState, UseGlobalFiltersState, UseGroupByState, UsePaginationState, UseResizeColumnsState, UseRowSelectState, UseRowStateState, UseSortByState {} export interface ColumnInterface< D extends Record = Record > extends UseFiltersColumnOptions, UseGlobalFiltersColumnOptions, UseGroupByColumnOptions, UseResizeColumnsColumnOptions, UseSortByColumnOptions {} export interface ColumnInstance< D extends Record = Record > extends UseFiltersColumnProps, UseGroupByColumnProps, UseResizeColumnsColumnProps, UseSortByColumnProps {} export interface Cell< D extends Record = Record, V = any > extends UseGroupByCellProps, UseRowStateCellProps {} export interface Row< D extends Record = Record > extends UseExpandedRowProps, UseGroupByRowProps, UseRowSelectRowProps, UseRowStateRowProps {} }