- [Docs -> Getting started](https://strawmelonjuice.com/?p=projects/bananen/docs) - [Get bananen](https://strawmelonjuice.com/?p=projects/bananen/get) - [GitHub](https://github.com/strawmelonjuice/bananen/) ## Show me Bananen also generates changelogs for bananen! You can see those [here](https://strawmelonjuice.com/?p=projects/bananen/changelog)! ## Why? To be fair, I forget what I changed per release, and find it VERY hard to hold onto a single changelogging format. This might make it hard for users to understand what changes are made to their software. Bananen is a CLI tool on purpose, I can easily use it from the bash in my VSCode or Lapce, without even having to change files. Bananen simply keeps track of released and unreleased changes and puts them into a markdown file. ## That's a funny name, why that? Multiple reasons actually, to name some: - It just randomly popped up, like "oh yes, bananen!" - I am Dutch (bananen means bananas) - Bananen is indeed funny! - Because bananen is so funny, logging changes will give me giggles everytime, so I (an ADHD head) won't constantly forget logging changes is a thing.
According to Wakatime, I have spent [![wakatime](https://wakatime.com/badge/github/strawmelonjuice/bananen.svg?style=social)](https://wakatime.com/badge/github/strawmelonjuice/bananen) on this project.