# Banner Builder See the [Banner Builder](https://banner-builder.code-maven.com/) web site. ## Development * Clone the repo: `git clone https://github.com/szabgab/banner-builder.rs/` * Optionally set up pre-commit hook: * Install [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com/) * In the cloned repository run `pre-commit install` ### Run tests: ``` cargo test ``` ## Regenerate example images ``` ./regenerate_images.sh ``` ## Release and publish * Update version number in Cargo.toml to 0.2.6 * Update the CHANGES.md file * run `cargo fmt` * run `cargo clippy` * run `cargo test` * `git add .` * `git commit -m "prepare for 0.2.6"` * `git push` * `cargo publish` * git tag using the same version number: (`git tag -a v0.2.6 -m "publish version v0.2.6"`) * `git push --tags`