v0.4.3: * Fix issue where only a single placholder with default was supported per line v0.4.2: * Fix bug where all JQ filters would fail with "Incorrect filter type" * Mop up all clippy warnings v0.4.1: * Disable filters from the command line with -F v0.4.0: * Added limited support for barb file dependencies v0.3.1: * Default placeholder values v0.3.0: * Add and default to JSONPath for filters * Make JQ optional v0.2.2: * Extract filter output as named variables * Support multiple filters v0.2.1 * Source .env files v0.2.0 * Add JSON syntax colouring * Colour output v0.1.5 * Print request line v0.1.4 * Support JQ filtering v0.1.2 * FIX: Don't print headers with `-b` switch v0.1.1 * FIX: Read list of files to execute from command line v0.1.0 * Initial release * Support execution context * Execute basic requests