## 2.0.1 `2023-07-01` Fix font size variable in the default PDF template. ## 2.0.0 `2023-07-01` This is a new major version release of bard. This release also comes with new documentation – [a book](https://bard.md/book). ### Breaking Changes In bard 2.0, the PDF output via TeX has been overhauled. The `tex` output has been replaced with a `pdf` output and there is no longer a `process` field. Instead, bard auto-detects installed TeX and runs the appropriate rendering command. There are a few new options to (optionally) configure TeX lookup. Along with this, the `bard.toml` project file format changed and is now also versioned.. See the [Migration Guide](https://bard.md/book/migration-2.html) and [TeX Configuration](https://bard.md/book/tex.html). Other breaking changes: - Paths in project settings now must be relative only. - The `hovorka` format now needs to be specified explicitly. - Alternative HTML file extensions (`.htm`, `.xhtml`, `.xht`) are no longer auto-detected, `.html` is the recommended one. - `book.backmatter` setting is removed. Additionally, the MSRV is now increased to Rust `1.64.0`. ### New Features - New TeX invocation system, as mentioned above. - TeX/PDF template improved significantly. - [Tectonic](https://tectonic-typesetting.github.io/) embedding - an optional feature. - MS Windows is now a fully supported platform. - [Baseline chords](https://bard.md/book/songs.html?highlight=baselin#lyrics-and-chords) added. - [Improved fonts support](https://bard.md/book/fonts.html). - Bard now brings fonts it uses along. - Font size and sans vs. serif can now be configured more easily. - Integrated [ToC sorting](https://bard.md/book/project.html#toc-order), now also supported in HTML output. - Improved [images](https://bard.md/book/images.html) support. - Image scaling setting for HTML output added. - Image sizes are now preloaded and available to templates in book AST. - Images are now part of `bard watch` watched paths. - Markdown [smart punctuation](https://bard.md/book/songs.html?highlight=smart#punctuation) option, enabled by default. - [Syntax extensions](https://bard.md/book/extensions.html) via "HTML". - [Scripts](https://bard.md/book/scripts.html) support – a way to post-process results in arbitrary ways. This is a replacement for the previous `process` field. - Syntax to turn off alt chords (`!!none`). - [An XML output](https://bard.md/book/json-and-xml.html) (experimental). - New prebuilt packages/binaries provided: - Windows binaries with and without Tectonic. - Deb and RPM packages with statically built binary (without Tectonic). ### Bugfixes & Misc - Fixed `SIGINT`/interrupt handling. - Fixed a few parsing errors. - Fixed templates syntax compliance with reference implementation. - Fixes in the HTML template. - A few Handlebars helpers added. - Dependencies upgrades. - Testing improvements. ## 1.3.0 `2021-07-23` In this release: - Ability to sort ToC alphabetically in HTML and TeX/PDF ([documentation](https://github.com/vojtechkral/bard/blob/b43c5e0e965dd4d4fbc7333dfd9fe7a40ff8cf5b/doc/bard.toml.md#toc-sort-order)) - Simpler postprocess syntax when multiple commands are used Detailed: - New subcommand: `util`, so far only contains the `sort-lines` utility designed to sort TeX toc file alphabetically - Path to bard itself now available in postprocess context, so that ^ can be called - Bugfix: Return non-zero status on program error - Support single-string commands in the extended postprocess syntax - The `songs_sorted` array now avaiable in template context - Internal changes and code maintanance ## 1.2.1 `2021-07-22` Patch update only containing a dependency update and a minor fix. ## 1.2.0 `2021-07-16` - Add support for optional/advanced chords with the ` ``X`` ` syntax. - Fix auto numbering of numbered verses - Use `latexmk` by default ## 1.1.0 `2021-05-28` - Added [`process_win`](https://github.com/vojtechkral/bard/blob/main/doc/bard.toml.md#special-casing-ms-windows) option in `bard.toml`. - Added the [`-p`/`--no-postprocess` flag](https://github.com/vojtechkral/bard/blob/main/doc/bard.toml.md#skipping-post-processing) to `bard make` and `bard watch`. - Fixed interpolation of program name in the `process` field. - Tests improvements and various smaller fixes ## 1.0.3 `2021-04-20` This is a minor bugfix release, fixes: - When initializing a template file with the default content, its parent directory wasn't being created. - Display correct version info in the CLI. ## 1.0.2 `2021-04-10` Minor bugfix release, fix of an extra dot in default projects' chorus label, code cleanup, test improvements. ## 1.0.1 `2021-04-07` This is a bugfix release, fixes: - Create template with default contents when the file doesn't exist (as documented) - `chorus_label` was in the wrong place in default & example projects (remnant of previous state) ## 1.0.0 `2021-04-03` The first real release.