# bard [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/bard.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/bard) [![CI](https://github.com/vojtechkral/bard/actions/workflows/CI.yaml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/vojtechkral/bard/actions/workflows/CI.yaml) Markdown → songbooks. _bard_ is a songbook compiler that reads Markdown files and produces songbooks in PDF, HTML, and [Hovorka](http://karel-hovorka.eu/zpevnik/). _bard_ reads files like this: ```Markdown # Wild Mountain Thyme ## Irish & Scottish traditional 1. Oh the `G`summer `C`time `G`has come And the `C`trees are sweetly `G`bloomin' And the `C`wild `G`mountain `Em`thyme Grows `C`around the `Am`bloomin' `C`heather Will ye `G`go `C`lassie `G`go? > And we'll `C`all go `G`together to pull `C`wild `G`mountain `Em`thyme All `C`around the `Am`bloomin' `C`heather, will ye `G`go `C`lassie `G`go? ``` ... and creates output like this: ![example-output](./doc/example.png "Example PDF output") Check out the [Example PDF](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vojtechkral/bard/main/example/output/songbook.pdf) from the [Example project](./example). --- ### [Getting Started](https://bard.md/book/install.html) --- ## Features - _bard_ is a command-line tool - Project-oriented: A single `bard.toml` defines inputs, outputs and other configuration - Easy-to-use source format: Markdown - Output formats: - PDF via TeX - HTML - [Hovorka XML](http://karel-hovorka.eu/zpevnik/) - JSON and XML for machine processing - Transposition and notation conversion - Optional auto-generated second chord set - Templating: Outputs are fully customizable with [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) templates ## Code Contributors [![cotributors](https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=vojtechkral/bard&anon=1)](https://github.com/vojtechkral/bard/graphs/contributors)