# Template helpers
This is a reference of [Handlebars helpers](https://handlebarsjs.com/guide/#custom-helpers), which Bard provides to [templates](templates.md).
### `eq a b`
A basic equality check; returns `true` when a JSON value `a` equals `b`.
### `contains object key`
Returns `true` when a JSON `object` contains a value under `key`.
### `cat argsā¦`
Concatenates any number of arguments as one string.\
For example `{{ cat "Hello, " "World!" }}` will render `"Hello, World!"`.
### `default value default`
Returns `value` if it is not `null`; otherwise, returns `default`.
### `matches string regex`
Return true if `string` matches the regular expression `regex`.
### `math a op b`
Evaluates a math expression.\
- `{{ math 5 "+" 3 }}` renders `8`.
- `{{ math 23.8 "/" -1.4 }}` renders `-17.0`.
Supported operators:
| Op | Meaning |
| ---- | ------- |
| `+` | Addition |
| `-` | Subtraction |
| `*` | Multiplication |
| `/` | Decimal division (integers are converted to floats)
| `//` | Integer division (both numbers must be integers)
| `%` | Modulo
| `&` | Bitwise and (integers only)
| \|
| Bitwise or (integers only)
| `^` | Bitwise xor (integers only)
| `<<` | Bitwise shift left (integers only)
| `>>` | Bitwise shift right (integers only)
### `img_w path`
Returns the pixel width of an image at `path`.
### `img_h path`
Returns the pixel height of an image at `path`.
### `px2mm size`
Converts a `size` in pixels to millimetres using the output's `dpi` settings.\
See also [`scale`](#scale-size) and [Images - DPI](images.md#dpi) for more details.
_Only in TeX templates._
### `pre text`
Performs TeX escaping of the string with spaces replaced by `~`.\
It is recommended to use this helper in triple braces `{{{ pre ... }}}`, which suppresses the default escaping function.
_Only in TeX templates._
Example: `{{{ pre "Hello, World!" }}}`
### `scale size`
Multiplies a `size` by the `dpi` factor in the output's settings.\
The result is rounded to the nearest integer.\
See also [`px2mm`](#px2mm-size) and [Images - DPI](images.md#dpi) for more details.
_Only in HTML templates._
### `version_check version`
Performs a version check. The running Bard program compares the `version` specified with its internal AST version
and outputs a warning in case the version is incompatible.
Example: `{{~ version_check "1.2.0" ~}}`