% This file is used by the generated TeX file for font settings. % Note that the Path here is relative to the `output` directory % rather than `output/fonts` because that's where the .tex file is generated. % % NB. the fonts are renamed as BardSerif and BardSans from their real names % so that they can be changed more easily. The fonts are really Droid Serif % and Noto Sans (by default). \setromanfont{BardSerif}[ Path = ./fonts/, Extension = .ttf, UprightFont = *-Regular, BoldFont = *-Bold, ItalicFont = *-Italic, BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic ] \setsansfont{BardSans}[ Path = ./fonts/, Extension = .ttf, UprightFont = *-Regular, BoldFont = *-Bold, ItalicFont = *-Italic, BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic ]