use std::collections::HashMap; use std::env; use std::fs; use std::fs::File; use std::io::BufRead; use std::io::BufReader; use std::ops; use std::ops::Bound; use std::ops::RangeBounds; use std::process::Command; use std::process::Stdio; use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool; use bard::app::App; use bard::app::InterruptFlag; use bard::util::Apply; use bard::util::ExitStatusExt; use fs_extra::dir::{self, CopyOptions}; use bard::prelude::*; use bard::project::Project; /// Project source root (where `Cargo.toml` is) pub const ROOT: ProjectPath = ProjectPath { path: &[] }; /// `$ROOT/tests/test-projects` pub const TEST_PROJECTS: ProjectPath = ProjectPath { path: &["tests", "test-projects"], }; #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub struct ProjectPath { path: &'static [&'static str], } impl<'rhs> ops::Div<&'rhs str> for ProjectPath { type Output = PathBuf; fn div(self, rhs: &'rhs str) -> Self::Output { let mut res = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")); for c in self.path.iter() { res.push(c); } res.push(rhs); res } } #[track_caller] pub fn assert_file_contains(path: impl AsRef, what: &str) { let path = path.as_ref(); let content = fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap(); let hit = content.find(what); assert!( hit.is_some(), "String '{}' not found in file: {:?}\nFile contents:\n{}", what, path, content ); } #[track_caller] pub fn assert_first_line_contains(path: impl AsRef, what: &str) { let path = path.as_ref(); let file = BufReader::new(File::open(path).unwrap()); let line = file.lines().next().unwrap().unwrap(); let hit = line.find(what); assert!( hit.is_some(), "String '{}' not found in first line of file: {:?}\nFirst line: {}", what, path, line ); } #[track_caller] pub fn assert_file_is_pdf(path: impl AsRef) { let bytes = fs::read(path.as_ref()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(&bytes[..4], b"%PDF"); } pub fn tmp_dir() -> PathBuf { // Cargo support for tmpdir merged yay PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_TARGET_TMPDIR")) } pub fn work_dir(name: &str, rm: bool) -> Result { let path = tmp_dir().join(name); if rm && path.exists() { fs::remove_dir_all(&path) .with_context(|| format!("Couldn't remove previous test run data: {:?}", path))?; } Ok(path) } fn dir_copy(src: impl AsRef, dest: impl AsRef) -> Result<()> { let src = src.as_ref(); let dest = dest.as_ref(); fs::create_dir_all(dest).with_context(|| format!("Couldn't create directory: {:?}", dest))?; let mut opts = CopyOptions::new(); opts.content_only = true; dir::copy(src, dest, &opts) .with_context(|| format!("Couldn't copy directory {:?} to {:?}", src, dest))?; Ok(()) } pub fn init_project(app: &App, name: &str) -> Result { let work_dir = work_dir(name, true)?; fs::create_dir_all(&work_dir) .with_context(|| format!("Could create directory: {:?}", work_dir))?; bard::bard_init_at(app, &work_dir).context("Failed to initialize")?; Ok(work_dir) } pub fn prepare_project(src_path: impl AsRef, name: &str) -> Result { let src_path = src_path.as_ref(); let work_dir = work_dir(name, true)?; dir_copy(src_path, &work_dir)?; Ok(work_dir) } pub fn modify_settings( project_dir: impl AsRef, f: impl FnOnce(toml::Table) -> Result, ) -> Result<()> { let bard_toml = project_dir.as_ref().join("bard.toml"); let toml = fs::read_to_string(&bard_toml)?; let settings: toml::Table = toml::from_str(&toml)?; let settings = f(settings)?; let toml = toml::to_string_pretty(&settings)?; fs::write(&bard_toml, toml.as_bytes())?; Ok(()) } static INTERRUPT: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false); #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Builder { pub project: Project, pub dir: PathBuf, pub app: App, } impl Builder { pub fn app(post_process: bool) -> App { let bard_exe = option_env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_bard") .expect("$CARGO_BIN_EXE_bard") .into(); App::with_test_mode(post_process, bard_exe, InterruptFlag(&INTERRUPT)) } fn build_inner(src_path: impl AsRef, name: &str, post_process: bool) -> Result { let app = Self::app(post_process); let work_dir = prepare_project(src_path, name)?; let project = bard::bard_make_at(&app, &work_dir)?; Ok(Self { project, dir: work_dir, app, }) } pub fn build(src_path: PathBuf) -> Result { Self::build_inner( &src_path, src_path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(), false, ) } pub fn build_with_name(src_path: PathBuf, name: &str) -> Result { Self::build_inner(src_path, name, false) } pub fn build_with_ps(src_path: impl AsRef, name: &str) -> Result { Self::build_inner(src_path, name, true) } pub fn init_and_build(name: &str) -> Result { Self::init_modify_build(name, |settings| Ok(settings)) } pub fn init_modify_build( name: &str, f: impl FnOnce(toml::Table) -> Result, ) -> Result { let app = Self::app(false); let project_dir = init_project(&app, name)?; modify_settings(&project_dir, f)?; let project = bard::bard_make_at(&app, &project_dir)?; Ok(Self { project, dir: project_dir, app, }) } } pub fn bard_exe() -> PathBuf { env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_bard").into() } pub struct ExeBuilder { pub work_dir: PathBuf, bin_dir: PathBuf, bard_exe: PathBuf, custom_path: bool, env: HashMap, } impl ExeBuilder { pub fn tex_mock_exe() -> PathBuf { env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_tex-mock").into() } pub fn init(name: &str) -> Result { let app = Builder::app(false); let work_dir = init_project(&app, name)?; let bin_dir = work_dir.join("bin"); fs::create_dir(&bin_dir).context("Could not create bin subdir")?; Ok(Self { work_dir, bin_dir, bard_exe: bard_exe(), custom_path: false, env: HashMap::new(), }) } pub fn with_xelatex_bin(mut self) -> Self { let mock_exe = Self::tex_mock_exe(); let mut target = self.bin_dir.join("xelatex"); if let Some(ext) = mock_exe.extension() { target.set_extension(ext); } fs::copy(&mock_exe, &target).unwrap(); self.custom_path = true; self } pub fn with_tectonic_bin(mut self) -> Self { let mock_exe = Self::tex_mock_exe(); let mut target = self.bin_dir.join("tectonic"); if let Some(ext) = mock_exe.extension() { target.set_extension(ext); } fs::copy(&mock_exe, &target).unwrap(); self.custom_path = true; self } pub fn custom_path(mut self, custom_path: bool) -> Self { self.custom_path = custom_path; self } pub fn with_env(mut self, k: impl Into, v: impl Into) -> Self { self.env.insert(k.into(), v.into()); self } pub fn run(self, args: &[&str]) -> Result { Command::new(&self.bard_exe) .apply(|mut cmd| { if self.custom_path { cmd.env_clear().env("PATH", &self.bin_dir); } cmd }) .envs(self.env.iter()) .args(args) .current_dir(&self.work_dir) .stdin(Stdio::null()) .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .status() .context("Failed to run bard")? .into_result() .context("bard exited with failed status")?; Ok(self) } pub fn out_dir(&self) -> PathBuf { self.work_dir.join("output") } pub fn output(&self, filename: &str) -> PathBuf { self.out_dir().join(filename) } pub fn find_tmp_dir(&self, output: &str) -> Option { let prefix = format!("{}.", output); self.out_dir() .read_dir() .unwrap() .map(|entry| entry.unwrap().path()) .find(|p| { p.file_name() .unwrap() .to_str() .map(|name| name.starts_with(&prefix)) == Some(true) }) } } /// Convert a PDF to text using the Poppler `pdftotext` tool. /// /// `pages` is a 1-indexed range, ie. `1..3` means pages 1 and 2 (and is the same as `..3`). pub fn pdf_to_text(pdf: &Path, pages: impl RangeBounds) -> Result { let mut cmd = Command::new("pdftotext"); cmd.arg("-layout"); match pages.start_bound() { Bound::Included(&f) => Some(f), Bound::Excluded(&f) => Some(f + 1), Bound::Unbounded => None, } .map(|f| { cmd.arg("-f".to_string()); cmd.arg(format!("{}", f)); }); match pages.end_bound() { Bound::Included(&i) => Some(i), Bound::Excluded(&i) => Some(i - 1), Bound::Unbounded => None, } .map(|l| { cmd.arg("-l".to_string()); cmd.arg(format!("{}", l)); }); cmd.arg(pdf); cmd.arg("-"); let output = cmd.output()?; output.status.into_result()?; let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout).into(); Ok(stdout) } pub trait StringExt { fn remove_newlines(self) -> Self; } impl StringExt for String { fn remove_newlines(mut self) -> Self { self.retain(|c| c != '\n' && c != '\r'); self } }