use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write as _; mod util_ng; pub use util_ng::*; const SMOL_PNG: &str = "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAQAAAAEAAQMAAABmvDolAAAAA1BMVEW10NBjBBbqAAAAH0lEQVRoge3BAQ0AAADCoPdPbQ43oAAAAAAAAAAAvg0hAAABmmDh1QAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=="; #[test] fn watch() { const TEST_STR: &str = "watch test watch test"; let build = TestProject::new("watch") .song( "", indoc! {r#" # Watch Test 1. `C`Watch. ![smol](smol.png "center") "#}, ) .binary_asset("smol.png", SMOL_PNG) .output("songbook.html") .build() .unwrap(); // Start bard watch in another thread let (watch_thread, control) =; // Wait for the watch to actually start watching files // after the initial render pass: control.wait_watching(); // Modify a source file: let md_file = build.dir_songs().join(""); File::options() .append(true) .open(&md_file) .unwrap() .write_all(TEST_STR.as_bytes()) .unwrap(); // Wait for the watching to resume after the 1st triggered render pass: control.wait_watching(); // Modify an image file: let img_file = build.dir_output().join("smol.png"); let content = SMOL_PNG.decode_base64(); File::create(&img_file) .unwrap() .write_all(&content) .unwrap(); // Wait for the watching to resume after the 2nd triggered render pass: control.wait_watching(); // Cancel watching: build.interrupt(); // Check that output contains test string: let html = build.read_output(".html"); assert!(html.contains(TEST_STR)); watch_thread.join().unwrap(); }