from selenium import webdriver from import Service from import ChromeDriverManager """ 2024-02-25 __Secure-1PSID """ def add_cookie(driver, name, value): """ Function to add or overwrite a cookie """ cookie = {"name": name, "value": value} driver.add_cookie(cookie) try: # Initialize the Chrome WebDriver driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=Service(ChromeDriverManager().install())) # Navigate to the URL driver.get("") # Use an infinite loop to continuously accept cookie inputs while True: # Wait for the user to input cookie name and value cookie_input = input( "Enter cookie in format COOKIE_NAME=cookie_value or CTRL+C to exit: " ) if "=" in cookie_input: name, value = cookie_input.split("=", 1) # Split input into name and value add_cookie(driver, name.strip(), value.strip()) print(f"Cookie added: {name} = {value}") driver.refresh() # Refresh the browser to apply the cookie else: print("Invalid format. Please use the format COOKIE_NAME=cookie_value.") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nExiting and closing the browser.") driver.quit() # Close the browser on exit